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>> No.8930572 [View]
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>Studying at a really shitty uni (not even in the top 100 in the UK)
>Just finished my first year, studying for a BA in Applied Literature
>Our professor only has a BA in Literature from the same university
>He's in his 50s but only graduated 7 years ago
>He seems to have some sort of disability
>Sometimes he'll pause in the middle of a sentence and go glassy-eyed for like 20+ seconds
>He's done this in our lectures about 10 times so far
>One time, a classmate tried to snap him out of it by asking, "Professor?"
>He responded by flying into a rage and screaming and rambling incoherently at her for at least 2 minutes
>She was in tears by the end of it and he called off the rest of the lecture
>Two people in my class literally have Down's syndrome and their helpers sit beside them during lectures
>In our last lecture before exams, our professor revealed that not one of the course's alumni has found a salaried job (although it's a fairly new course)
>He laughed at us and said we'd be lucky if we got a job at Subway after this
>I could hear several classmates sobbing behind me
>I was so embarrassed about going to this shitty uni that I told my grandparents that I'm studying Literature at a top 10 university
Well, I'm fucked. I fell for the whole "it doesn't matter what you do as long as you love it" meme. Advice for anyone thinking of studying literature (or another meme degree that won't get you a job, like computer science or biology): don't do it.

>> No.8926123 [View]
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My university is ranked 58 overall but it's #1 worldwide on my field.

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