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>> No.7167176 [View]
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Alright guys
We have a problem, and we need a solution.
It is (or should be) known to all of us that the scam of the 21st century has gone too far. This is of course the notion that climate change is being caused by humans.
For any misled scientists who wish to debate me on it, please read this first:
1.) Al Gore is known to show that there is a relationship between co2 and temperature over time, and as one increases so does the other. What he leaves out of this information, is that the temperature increases 800 years BEFORE the co2 concentration. This makes the claim that co2 increasing over time affects temperature false. The reason co2 increases when temperature increases is because quantities of it trapped in icecaps escapes in warm periods.
2.)Co2's heating is NOT LINEAR. After a certain point, the amount of co2 in the atmosphere will not matter and the temperature will stay the same. This level has been hit multiple times (consider 7000ppm in the last ice age vs 400ppm today

If you would like to make any arguments against me, please do. I would like to have a civilized debate.
3.)During the major industrial boom of the 40's to 70's, temperature DROPPED.

Now for the point of the thread.
About 60-80% of Americans believe that global warming is caused by humans and is an important issue.
These Americans are instating laws that make millions for people like Al Gore, and waste billions on projects and laws that make life harder for the majority of Americans.
Worst of all, these people are all being lied to, and it is extremely easy to prove. As environmentalists make wild claims about global warming, they do not use evidence, but say "the majority of scientists agree." As scientists, we know this means nothing because any human who makes observations is a scientist.
The media eats it up, and censors those who oppose environmentalists, calling them "holocaust deniers" and claiming they are being paid off by oil corporations.
>cont in next post

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