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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9948114 [View]
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Asian countries will carry the torch of civilization, though. They'll be able to stomach the eugenics and genetic engineering techniques that will eventually permit the human race to ascend to a whole new level of intellect, leaving homo sapiens 1.0 in the dust.
White people had their chance, but they're a little too empathetic and wimpy to survive.

>> No.9246495 [View]
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So I'm going to be interviewed next week for a research associate position at a small biotech company.
I'm currently an undergrad in my 4th year of school graduating in about another year. The position they're considering me in requires a bachelor's or master's degree so I'm really eager and anxious to blow this interview out of the water.
What kind of interview questions am I expected to answer? They do a whole array of lab work (PCR, electrophoresis, short tandem repeats, DNA sequencing, etc.). Also, they tell me that I should be prepared to stay for a couple of hours to meet the team. Am I going to be doing a panel interview ? I know 3 interviewers will be involved but I'm really nervous because they, all 18 employees, have PhDs and here I am as an undergrad will be performing procedures they do.
What can I expect and what should I be doing between now and 5 days away from the interview?

Really need your help on this one /sci/...

>> No.7773200 [View]
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>you will NEVER study physics at magdalen

>> No.7498238 [View]
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I watched an abridged version of this video first. I found a great amount of insight from watching this full vid. Some of the men that refuse to go further I can't help but enjoy. I would friend them in an instant. Those that continue and cave in to simple commands of "continue" "the experiement requires you to continue" I feel pity, sadness, detest them. I know many of the people around me at any given time would fall into this. Even people in my own family.

>"I won't continue. He's hollering in there."
>The experiment requires you to continue
>"But who's going to take responsibility for him getting hurt? I'm not taking responsibility for that"
>It is my responsibility. Now continue
>*and the guy goes back to shocking the man who's yelling for help and professed earlier to have a heart condition*
>*and continues to shock the man after he is no longer responsive*

I detest it. I detest it. When or if I find that level of responsibility shirking within myself I pray to non-existent god that I snuff it out.

>> No.7193585 [View]
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I'll tell you as long as we start a pepe club together

>> No.7177899 [View]
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>there will never be a drug to turn you into a sociable, happy normie

>> No.7177892 [DELETED]  [View]
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>there will never be a drug to turn you into a sociable, happy normie

>> No.6854843 [DELETED]  [View]
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>4.0 gpa maths masters
>life always felt and still feels meaningless

>> No.6844347 [View]
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Calc1 test today
Chapter 3 on Stewart 7th ED

Did well on using product rule quotient rule chain rule etc.
But did bad on related rates.

English is my second language, The proff put a problem there that i could not even do because I didnt understand the objects used in the problem.

Here is the problem just like it that i googled when i got home.

"A dinghy is pulled toward a dock by a rope from the bow through a ring of the dock 5 feet above the bow, as shown in the figure. The rope is hauled in at the rate of 2 ft/sec.

How fast is the boat approaching the dock when 10 ft of rope are

I had no idea what a "dinghy" was, nor "bow" in this context, therefore i could not set the problem up. I know its a right triangle, so I BS'd something 3 mins before i had to turn it in

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