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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15373972 [View]
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>it's over
Hitler was not born for this.

>> No.15238091 [View]
File: 30 KB, 640x480, frog38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no white-skinned blue-eyed non-white Finnish gf

>> No.14824948 [View]
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>you will never go to space in the Rango (2011) rocket
why live

>> No.11860599 [View]
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I miss the /sci/ infothread

>> No.11681461 [View]
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>> No.10642300 [View]
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>> No.9693165 [View]
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Who else fell for the meme of wanting to become a big-time scientist who made world-changing contributions, only to find out that's way out of you're fucking league?

"i jus wnted 2 b like ernstein!!!1"


I'm pretty sure every single wannabe-physicist became interested in the field just for that. How do you have a fullfilling life knowing you'll never contribute anything of value?

I'm getting depressed, /sci/. I know I'm being a little bitch right now, but surely you know where I'm coming from. I've been studying less and less as of lately. I went from studying 12+ hours to less than one.

I don't want to study just to have some feeling of superiority over normies. I just want to find more beauty that's already been found. I'm just some NEET, my whole life has been nothing but a waste. I just want to be useful..

>> No.9425816 [View]
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Why are you so mean.

>> No.9327688 [View]
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>Where did you study?
>What did you study?
Theoretical physics
>What are you doing now?

>> No.9272303 [View]
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>Be me
>Fucking kill me

>> No.9216608 [View]
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>> No.9180034 [View]
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>Submit 20+ applications for a summer internship
>Get rejected for all of them
When did you realize that uni doesn't prepare you for the real world at all?

>> No.9176482 [View]
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s...stop it

>> No.9164666 [View]
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>microbiology lab
>culture/ slide comes out really well
>have to throw it away at the end of class

>> No.9146285 [View]
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O no, I just got #btfo.
All my rhetoric and reasoning completely demolished by a simple, elegant argument using nothing but quotations and reaction images.
This is why I don't post about political theory on /pol/ or /b/ my argument always gets demolished like this. I am defeated.

>> No.9108814 [View]
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>mfw I lose complete sexual interest before nutting
Even with qt's, I believe I'm attracted to women. I can only nut myself because muh personality disorder.
This also happens anytime they want to date me, I just tell them no and stop talking to them.
I've only ever came on molly and I have went soft in more than a few vagoos.

>> No.8768724 [View]
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>intro to program class
>think I know how to code
>teacher put problems in class
>not understand it
>teacher claims is easy
>can't do it
>teacher uses high school math to solve it in 30 seconds
I'm a brainlet.

How do I learn to solve problems using high school math?

>> No.8679681 [View]
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>mfw everything rigns a bell but can't properly grasp its beauty because I am a filthy engineer pleb and not a mathster race..

fuck man I know they talked about borell sets when we did stochastic pdes

>> No.8534705 [View]
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>As the world waits with bated breath for the outcome of the on-going clinical trial of HIV vaccine in South Africa, scientists in Nigeria appear to have hit the bulleye in the search for the effective medical cure for HIV/AIDS.

A research team at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU), Abia State led by Prof. Maduike Ezeibe has been able to prove that Medicinal Synthetic Aluminium-magnesium Silicate (MSAMS), which it developed, can cure HIV/AIDS.

The result of the clinical trial of the antiretroviral efficacy of MSAMS in male and female HIV/AIDS patients was published in the British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 18(11):1-7, 2016; Article no BJMMR.29018.

It was also among the papers presented last Wednesday at the World Virology Conference 2016 held at Texas, U.S. Though Ezeibe could not attend the conference because of his inability to raise money for his flight tickets, the organisers insisted that he sent a video presentation, which was played and applauded at the conference.

Speaking with journalists at the weekend on the apparent lukewarm attitude of Nigeria’s health authorities to his medical breakthrough, the professor of Veterinary Medicine said that since 2014 when he was issued with the national patent right (Ref. No. NG/P/2012/639, 2014) no further step had been taken to commercialise it or get the international patent right by Nigeria.

“We Africans lack confidence in ourselves,” he lamented, adding that the medicine that he had discovered to have antiretroviral properties is an old medicine which had been in use.

“The only science we did is that we discovered that it has charges – negative and positive and since HIV has positive charges, the MSAMS use its negative charges to attract and destroy HIV,” he said.

It happened right under your shitposting nose /sci/.

>> No.8457170 [View]
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>tfw you realize that cats purr to humans only because all the cats who didn't purr got killed off

why's the universe so cruel, lads?

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