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>> No.12433047 [View]
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They all met this fate.

>> No.11917098 [View]
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Electromagnetic fields, or biomimetics and synthetic biology. Herbalism and fasting as well, stuff like baking soda and forcing CO2 into superficial tumors. mmWaves for superficial tumors as well.

See also Novocure and tumor treating fields.

>> No.11774803 [View]
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Scientists are people, and people are retarded slaves. Most people view the threat of separation from the system as death itself. So they won't question the king or prevailing orthodoxy. They don't have the balls. They just want to tinker around a bit, take their paycheck, have their boob tube, maybe the wife and kids, die, etc. Most people simply are not revolutionaries and they don't have that deep stubbornness and spark that causes them to go against the grain, despite the punishment.

This is also why in developing in house research programs, you compartmentalize and filter in individuals who may otherwise initially be afraid of their peers, but otherwise have more to offer than they can achieve in the public sector.

It's a house of cards. And those with power, those who fund you, set a line to which you're allowed to refine the design. Everyone knows this. It's like saying "wait a sec, we don't need a king, especially not this one." Have fun with the king's men shortly thereafter.

>> No.11771303 [View]
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I'm coming for ya...

>> No.11769972 [View]
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>and if it is, why is it limited to osteopaths? Why don't all doctors know it?
Well, here again, this brings us back to the early 1900's. Start with Morris Fishbein and the early AMA. Carnegie and Rockefeller (The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research), and especially their role in the early days of WHO , and just the general shenanigans which went on as medicine in the west was beginning to self organize. Ultimately, as you can see, the medical-chemical complex is what won out (by the time penicillin was brought to market it was firmly solidified), all other methods and modalities were crushed out. Chiropractors were among the few to survive this period. The early FDA formed out of if I recall the board of chemistry they called it, and was used to strongarm dissidents out of existence. The medical licensing process was used similarly.

Royal Rife and Harold Hoxsey are good examples of what happens when Fishbein wants to buy the rights to your method, and you refuse. Just look at what happened to everyone involved with Rife. Arthur Kendall who brought forth bacterial pleomorphism got shut out by Thomas Rivers of Rockefeller, the sole source of stable funding during the depression so few dared stand against it. Milbank Johnson ended up dead. A few physicans continued to use his machines in secret. Etc. It's a good parallel lens to view early medicine through, and to view it not in terms of capability, but control.

>> No.11769066 [View]
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>> No.11739700 [View]
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I used to want to make video games, and I ~7 stories fully fleshed out. I still have a few ideas (and two in particular), but I no longer have the tech to do so, and don't play games either. I still want to though and I'd have to get into photogrammetry to pull it off, but even then it simply take way too long, longer than I think anyone reasonably has at this point. This would provide a stable background income stream to bootstrap other operations. I'm looking into ground penetrating radar and the possibility millimeter wave assisted photogrammetry, but eh, I know enough to know you don't want to be exposed to those waves at all and the equipment to measure them is still quite expensive.

Ultimately I need to be organized in such a way that I can put electromedicine into widespread use by sheer force. Anything else and they'll just kill you, or financially drain you with the FDA approval process and then lock you out. Once you apply, it automatically tips off the whole corrupt system. I don't just want to reform and gradually change the medical-chemical complex, I want to wipe it off the face of the Earth. Magnetic field-based therapies for malaria would be a strong start....

>> No.11730606 [View]
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Don't bother responding to me next time. You don't know anything, but believe you do.

Go on pubmed, "tumor treating fields" and "Novocure". I'm not going to break down the research done on EMF/EMR and microorganisms etc over the last 120 years. Pearls before swine, and all that.

>> No.11696319 [View]
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Western countries squandered their potential more than 100 years ago, and we haven't stopped yet. Modern research has indirectly confirmed Rife's work (eg Novocure, structured water) and the effects he was achieving with KHz frequencies are even mentioned in a 1976 Defense Intelligence Agency review.

We could have been a number of things.

>> No.11674151 [View]
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>> No.11669417 [View]
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The spine is fine as long as birth trauma is corrected, and posture issues are avoided.

>> No.11668912 [View]
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Ha, "progress". Just wait until you get into coverups and suppression of advancement. Look into what Eric Dollard has to say for starters. I find it all very interesting (and it would explain a lot), though I haven't personally replicated anything.

>> No.11622494 [View]
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The list is endless. Some old treatments most certainly worked on the cancers of the day, but may not work for modern cancers (though it's not studied regardless). Very basic concepts are ignored in favor of the medical-chemical complex's preferred endless search for irrelevant genes and chemicals you can sell for 13k per bottle of 30.

Essiac tea is of course well known.
Hoxsey's remedy. He was ran off to Mexico like many others of the day, including Royal Rife.
Electromedicine. Royal Rife cured cancer. Modern treatments are not using the correct principles, but they do get some results. See Novocure and mmWave treatment of superficial tumors. See also Henry Lai's magnetic destruction of malaria using fields barely stronger than the geomagnetic field.
There are tons of herbs with constituents that show strong tumor attenuating properties. Guarana seed prevents metastais and colonization of melanoma. Ashwagandha kills melanoma in vitro. Wormwood (artemesinin) is well known.
B17 will be somewhat of a mystery due to power and politics. It's worth noting it's difficult to get apricot seeds in the US.
Fasting has some effects due to clearing out acids and waste which is keeping tissue in a stressed state. This is a matter of disrupted membrane mediated intercellular communication.
Vitamin C intravenous for non-hormonal cancers.
Turpentine. Other essential oils.

Then there are the more strictly physical-chemical methods. Like coconut oil and baking soda, then putting a solid plate against it and applying vinegar. CO2 and water, the CO2 and the coconut oil is forced into the tissues. Again, many anecdotal report, not even studied formally. Because it's not allowed, that kind of solution doesn't fit the criteria. There is a line to how you may refine the design.

On and on. I'm probably forgetting something. My father died of melanoma.

>> No.11617308 [View]
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>> No.11611877 [View]
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