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>> No.6531959 [View]
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>> No.6095247 [View]
File: 29 KB, 396x400, 2093_1273102265554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told time and again that dreaming happens during REM, but doze off during my lunch break.

During a 20 minute cat nap I have all kinds of insane dreams; some good, some bad.

How can I have a dream that feels like it lasts for hours, if REM doesn't usually occur for an hour then how does this consistently happen?

>> No.5859749 [View]
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I seriously hope your are trolling

>> No.5839102 [View]
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>the brain just doesnt all of a sudden start fucking up

>> No.5376691 [View]
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> >>5376631 made a positive claim about the existence of the Ethereal Horizon
And this is why fallacy-citers aren't taken seriously.

>> No.5198695 [View]
File: 29 KB, 396x400, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4911550 [View]
File: 29 KB, 396x400, 1325349351999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots ever heard of a voltage controlled current source?

this is what a 9 volt current source means

>> No.4853828 [View]
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>> No.4841815 [View]
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> You could travel 10,000ly in an instant, but to the observer on earth, 10,000 years would have passed.

>lightyears as a measurement of time

>> No.4362899 [View]
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so deep XD

>> No.4077102 [View]
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Reuptake is just retrograde transport.

>> No.3939062 [View]
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>> No.3619445 [View]
File: 29 KB, 396x400, but thats wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not reusable, HTV-03 will be ready in mid-2012

>> No.3428616 [View]
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>not faggot tier

>> No.3212700 [View]
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Fuck you are dumb and wrong. Time dilation is a real thing, look at the half life of muons.

>> No.3003589 [View]
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John Bardeen

>> No.2770303 [View]
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That's not how it works.

As long as you have durable enough ship and you're actually INSIDE the ship the whole time, not strapped to it's nose, you will not be crushed.

>> No.2731196 [View]
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> Genetic engineering is bad, humans shouldn't be playing god.
> Artificial Intelligence research is bad, humans shouldn't be playing god.
> Transhumanism is an imoral ideology, humans shouldn't be playing god.
>stems cells are bad, humans shouldn't herpa derpa doo
>science is bad, hurrr durrrrr

Seriously, fuck this argument. Every time I try to discuss subjects like genetic engineering, transhumanism ect. some asshat brings the "there are things man is not supposed to know" or "you be playing gods" argument up, and acts smugly, as if it somehow refutes anything.

In my opinion, we fucking should be playing god, and figuring new things out. Hell, if technology eventually allows it, mankind should fucking become gods!

I have never understood why some people see playing god as a bad thing. It just does not make sence to me. Isn't learnig new things and experimenting a good thing?

>> No.2389811 [View]
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>> No.2283497 [View]
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I'm not even going to waste the time to explain why this is wrong.

Why don't you believe in heroine addiction?

>> No.2165135 [View]
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You know why light is sucked in? It's because the singularity has such a strong gravitational field that it distorts spacetime so severely that light cannot escape. Not because light has mass.

>> No.2119569 [View]
File: 29 KB, 396x400, Wrong Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a paper and having a hard time explaining/detailing the organization so whats a simple explanation of the Dopaminergic reward system? Something related to drug addition would be nice as well.

>> No.1958734 [View]
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1) Space is a big, Big, BIG place. Even traveling at lightspeed the odds of humanity encountering intelligent life in the next 500 years is almost 0.
2) Humanity has next to no interest in colonizing other solar systems. The resource cost would be astronomical and the benefit for humanity would be almost 0.
3) >Implying government and religion are what makes humans the way they are.
4) If humanity were to land on a planet with another form of intelligent life already present it would be a death sentence for both groups due to bacteria.
5) Would it be better for humans to build Target's and Synagouges?
6) If we have developed the technology to travel interstellar distances we would have also inherently developed renewable energy as well as many other massive improvements over current human technology.
7) >Implying humanity is actively attempting to colonize anywhere outside of Earth

This OP just had so much wrong in it that my brain started to hurt

>> No.1779294 [View]
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fml. I'm retarded.

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