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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4328636 [View]
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Let's play a game.

I will ask a question. You must answer the question and pose a new question (answer and new question have to be in a single post). The question asked by the first person who answered correctly must now be answered. And so on...

Questions must be about math and/or science. Keep the questions to concepts and not computations. Also, don't ask stupid shit that can be easily googled or that is incredibly obscure.

My question is:
What salinity do icebergs have compared to their surrounding sea water? Lower salinity, equal salinity, higher salinity? Why?


>> No.2506329 [View]
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is the komodo dragon considered venomous if it's bite only infects animals with pathogens?

>> No.2441173 [View]
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Thought experiment time, /sci/.

You have been teleported into an exact copy of Earth in 5000BC, with no humans existing and no human creations whatsoever. You dont age and if you die you will immediatly reincarnate where you began with all memories intact and the changes in the world you did also remain. You are also completely naked with no tools or equipment at the beginning.

You are the only human alive on Earth but you know theres an base on the Moon, populated by humans who will give you company if you get there. They dont know that you exist and they wont interfere with Earth at all.

How long it would take to get to the moon?

>> No.2378377 [View]
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What does /sci/ think of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

>> No.2328155 [View]
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>my face

>> No.2240107 [View]
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How can something that men are willing to spill blood for,
not exist?

>> No.2211389 [View]
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I've got a stumper for you obscurantist types.

Suppose a teleporter is invented. The way this teleporter works is:

An object is placed in Terminal A. Terminal A "scans" its interior and remembers the EXACT physical makeup of its interior, including the object. It then disintegrates its interior.

Terminal B receives the information from terminal A, and reconstructs an exact replica of the interior of terminal A using the information provided. It does this using a local reservoir of all the atoms, molecules, etc. that it will need for the task.

Someone offers you a trip to the Mars base using a teleporter. Do you object?

>> No.2190894 [View]
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If robots take over the menial jobs, then what will all the stupid people do?

>> No.2163087 [View]
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When you hear firemen talking about fire they call it alive. They obviously know their subject matter. My point is why doesn't fire have rights? It is exstinguised with impunity and created destroyed in vast numbers in homes and workplaces across the world.


>> No.1878864 [View]
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If god created the universe, then who created god?

>> No.1871578 [View]
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>Can the Universe be destroyed? And if so, how could we do it?

stop it from being perceived, exterminate life

>> No.1855100 [View]
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Nanotechnology and mind-reading technologies pose an interesting problem for us.
If we have nanobots in our brains that can simulate any emotional state at a whim, and technology (possibly in those very bots) to monitor what we are thinking, then it is very likely that these computers would begin to condition us in response to unfavorable thoughts.
If someone began to get violent or agitated, the computer would detect it and calm them down. This might keep a few people out of fights, but what about the impact on social organization? Political movements? Might we be opting for a new form of behavior conditioning just for the sake of some rewards when the machines think we've earned them?

>> No.1830353 [View]
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does I=mr^2 for the pulley?

>> No.1813217 [View]
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/sci/, is it ironic that you make me sigh?

Your cancer seems worse than /b/, which still delivers what it promises: random.

I started visiting /sci/ one day after seeing a bunch of cool-ass infothreads on 4chanarchive. I was delighted to know that 4chan now had a science board.

But all I see here are threads bashing religion, as if we didn't already know that dogma is bullshit, and that religious thought (at least the Abrahamic brand) is based on subjective ideas formulated by bronze-age misogynists with too many sheep and not enough humanity. Yet, thread after thread, I see a compulsory review of these facts, as if we were talking about some new, fascinating subject never before understood by mortal minds.

Trolls pretending to be religious, and religious people trying to be trolls are fed all the slop we have. Valuable time is wasted on them, yet you...

...constantly bash careers and fields that you don't see as "pragmatic" enough, not even once stopping to question yourself on why humans are advancing: to alleviate suffering and spend more time on leisurely, cultural activities.

Man up, people

>> No.1694902 [View]
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>A.A. in Philosophy
>No job I want
>0 dollars starting
>But does it really matter?

>> No.1694895 [View]
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>A.A. in Philosophy
>No job I want
>0 dollars starting
>But does it really matter?

>> No.1647208 [View]
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Heres a thought:

If a person who is afraid of heights finds himself doing a spacewalk (yah like the astronauts do), what would he feel?

Acrophobia in space. Discuss.

Captcha: bilfall

>> No.1546585 [View]
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If you were to create a computer able to simulate the universe, down to the atomic level, would it not have to in fact be as large as the universe? Assuming it takes more than one atom to calculate how a single atom would behave.

>> No.1473391 [View]
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donut universe, ftw

>> No.1444523 [View]
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Ask a philosophy of science student anything.

>> No.1434622 [View]
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/sci/ I have some bad news for you.

It turns out pi is wrong. The actual constant we should be using is 2*pi. When you finish reading this, you will realize you have been lied to your entire life.


>> No.1307040 [View]
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Do mathematics exist outside the consciousness of the animals that can use them (mainly Homo Sapiens) or are they just another part of our language that is useful to predict and manipulate our environment and sometimes happens to fit with some processes of nature?

>> No.1261529 [View]
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>"Dinosaurs May Have Been Smaller Than Previously Thought"


>> No.1210263 [View]
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If the universe is constantly expanding, does that mean the length of an AU is changing?

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