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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5769149 [View]
File: 517 KB, 2869x2680, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tests last between 4-5 hours. I completely understand why though. I actually need that time to answer the questions (Phd Physics). Sometime I even need more time.

I don't see anything with this. It is the best way to determine if a student knows the material well.

You need to stop sweating the small stuff kid.

>> No.4549269 [View]
File: 517 KB, 2869x2680, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doens't really sound like you have any conrete theory in your head. It really just sounds like you are throwing unrelated concepts around, which is fine considering your age.

There is really no justifcation for anything you have said. And the ideas you have said, when extrapolated upon become nonsensical.

If you want to take rotation into account, then there are alot bigger structures that we are apart of that are rotating then just the galaxy. Etc: Don't groups of galaxies also rotate?

>> No.4165973 [View]
File: 517 KB, 2869x2680, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If there are any people here who have, or are planning on following a similar path I'd be interested in hearing your experiences or guidance, whatever it may be.

Yes, I am on a similar mission. Although my research for "life extension" focuses on our actual understanding and manipulation of "time". I am relativlty young, have undergrad degrees in physics + maths, masters and Phd degrees in experimental particle physics. My research has led me to CERN, where I am currently working at the LHC.

There are actually alot of physicist/biologiest/scientists with goal similar to ours. Life extension should actually be a priority for anyone with half a brain. Most humasn feel like they need more time. Not to live forever mind you, just some more time.

The sad thing is that we live in a world where people delude themselves into thinking that belief in bullshit fairytales will some how extend your life forever...LMFAO. The only reason we haven't figured out how to live much longer already is becuase most people think it is not needed, as magic will fucking save them. They have totally fucked us over. Yes, RELIGION IS TO FUCKING BLAME!

The sad truth is that everyone dies, and that is it. There is nothing "after". If you want more time, you need to get off your fucking ass and work for such advancement. This is the only life you have, so make it fucking count. This reality IS THE ONLY THING YOU WILL EVER FUCKING KNOW, SO LIVE FOR IT, Expereince it to its fullest. Don't fucking brush this life aside, in favor of some fucked up childrens fairytales.

And if you actually aren't able to make that "breakthrough" to extend your life, ehh. At least you fucking tried, and your work will aid others and humanity in general (that is how science works). Good luck.

Any questions?

>> No.4126643 [View]
File: 517 KB, 2869x2680, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are actually using science to back up your claims...you are doing science.

If you use concepts with no scientific basis to back up your claims, yet you have internal consistancey, a heavy proof system, axiomatic reasoning, and minimal axioms, then you are doing math or logic.

If you use concepts with no scientific basis to back up your claims, internal consistency, a lax proof system, and some axiomatic reasoning then you are doing philosophy.

If you use concepts with no scientific basis to back up your claims, no internal consistency, no proof system, no axioms, no logic, and little if no reasoning, then you are doing religion.

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