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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3816726 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey /sci/ can I ask you guys for help with science homework? If not, I'll just delete my thread...

>> No.3737564 [View]
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Why is this true? On what grounds? How is this called?
<span class="math">k^{2}=k(k-1)+k=2 \binom {k} {2} + \binom {k} {1}[/spoiler]
What the fuck are they doing here?! WHY?!

>> No.3715601 [View]
File: 60 KB, 471x694, 1315357838429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question my faggot teachers gave us:
Find a bijectional function of Z on N.
How is that fucking possible?!
Z is the rational numbers, fractions and shit, and so the ONLY function that I could think of is <span class="math">f(x)={x*x^-1}[/spoiler] which is neither injective NOR surjective, it always gives "1".
I could think of no other function because your function has to be on an element 'x', and you can't determine what's denominator OR the numerator, so the only way to make sure a fraction turns into a natural number is multiply it by it's opposite (<span class="math">x^-1[/spoiler]) which would always give 1.
WTF am I missing?

>> No.3391435 [View]
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Then what, pray tell, is the question?

>> No.3243553 [View]
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/sci/, since blacks and hispanics reproduce at a much faster rate than whites does that mean blacks and hispanics are biologically superior to whites?

>> No.3231903 [View]
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Dear /sci/,
I am in the process of choosing what to major in. Options I have are:
1. International Relations - leading to law school or a MSc International Relations (Got great debate skills and analytical thinking)
2. Computer Science - leading to software development (which I have no experience in, but like the idea of working on video games)
3. A degree that would help me get into video game design (Can draw well and would be able to learn 3D modelling tools easily I curtain, but again no real experience)
All of this at the age of 21
What are your views on this , /sci/?

>> No.3225467 [View]
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/sci/ how long until we start having genetic engineers who make a 500IQ 15ft tall greek god superhuman?

Is this even possible through genetic engineering?

>> No.3174710 [View]
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>> No.3158772 [View]
File: 60 KB, 471x694, Explain this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Sci/ence guys, I don't ask much of you - in fact, this will be the first time I've EVER posted instead of lurking here.

While I don't EXPECT any genuine answers, I think one of you may know the truth.

Ion bands (or negative ion bands, whatever) seem like nothing more than placebo or voodoo at best to me. I mean, come on - a silicon bracelet with a tiny chunk of titanium in it is supposed to take care of aches and pains and increase you balance all through your body just by touching you in one spot? That doesn't make sense at all. I have no faith in these things.

HOWEVER, at the mall recently a sales woman got me to stop and asked me to do a demo that would take 30 seconds, so I was like "lol whatever"

She asked me to stand on one foot, and put out both arms. She then pressed down on my wrist on the side with a lifted leg. I had to put the foot down to balance. She let me try a second time, and again, I had to put the foot down to balance.

She then had me just /hold/ one of the bracelets, and when she pressed down on my wrist, with definitely the same amount of force (if not more!) I was able to easily resist her.

"WTF" thought I, and demanded she try that again without the bracelet. I clenched my hand as if I was holding it, to see if it was just the muscles or something, but again, I couldn't balance the moment she pushed down.

This makes no sense to me - she encouraged me to go home and do some reading online before purchasing one. All the websites I've found on it are either endorsing these things, or selling them though - and I can't think of how this could possibly work the way they say.

Pic related.

>> No.3086827 [View]
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>Jesus Christ

>> No.3045357 [View]
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>Your face when /v/ didn't get past grade school

>> No.3002289 [View]
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14, 5, 10, 19, 17, 18, 2, 12, 9, 11, 4, 15, 6, 7, 3, 13, 1, 20

In this mathematical sequence, where does 8 and 16 take place ?

>> No.2938147 [View]
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What the hell is Industrial/Operations Engineering? It seems like all the retards and slackers are in this major. What do they actually do and why is it called engineering when they don't make anything?

>> No.2914376 [View]
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Just got back from the TMTA Precalculus exam (got 1st place in Middle TN, btw). There were a few questions I couldn't answer, though, such as:
215 winter sports enthusiasts are surveyed. Every person surveyed likes at least one of the following sports: skiing, figure skating, and hockey. 55 of the people who like skiing don't like figure skating and 20 people who like figure skating don't like hockey. 50 of the people who like hockey either like both of the other sports, or neither of the others. How many people like both hockey and figure skating, but not skiing?
I have no idea how to approach any problem of this sort. Can somebody point me in the right direction?

>> No.2814391 [View]
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Why is that man dressing like a jewified nigger?

>> No.2778872 [View]
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>mfw name is brain cocks

>> No.2599370 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.2560276 [View]
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Even if im driving a car at 150 mph?

>> No.2554912 [View]
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>> No.2467786 [View]
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nCr; is there a way to work this out manually that isn't tedious?

>> No.2406306 [View]
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How do they work?

>> No.2380268 [View]
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>mfw I can't accept that we can't know everything about the universe because we can't develop the equipment to check.

>> No.2339689 [View]
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>> No.1909881 [View]
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This is going to sound retarded to those of you that have actually gave a fuck about schooling, but I need to know: Why does science say that something can't come from nothing when the my very existence (and your's) says otherwise?

How in the blue fuck could anything have come into existence otherwise?

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