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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5875485 [View]
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Since you're in a mood for thinking...

I want to to consider that through some surgery you and another individual have your brains grafted together and share thoughts and memories for a time. After a while you grow weary of your duplicate and decide to go back to your original bodies.

After synching your memories and thoughts for such a duration, is it possible to say that either of you are the same person you once were? What determines whether 'you' went back to the correct body? How can you have a correct body if due to the mixing of memories you remember being in both of them?

Again we would like to make use of your active mind...

Think for a moment about the computer monitor in front of you. If only there was some way to project the screen directly into your brain via some computer machine interface, then you could walk around town with a mind driven display; even better than a headsup display!

But wait...If the monitor is just a projection in your mind, then there is no need to focus your eyes on only a small section of the screen. Indeed, if it were truly seen by the mind's eye, then you could envision the whole monitor all in focus at once. Why stop at a monitor? Why not a theater screen? A football field? An infinitely expanding plane...

Imagine -don't just think about it, try to actually imagine- being able to visualize every square inch of the earth in perfect focus all at the same time.

Then, I want you to think about the importance of the concept of time while you are actively visualizing the entire earth. How much information are you seeing every second? How long would a minute feel in comparison to just two pairs of barely focused eyes? How can you compare time across such completely different sensory experiences?

>> No.4017705 [View]
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As an aside, but still relevant to the concept of the locus of the self. Take the idea of an external eyeball connected remotely to your brain (remote as in not physically present, not necessarily wifi). "Where" does the image present itself in your field of view?

Take again another look at the same concept and copy all of the senses remotely. "Where" do you feel the cool breeze? Smell the baking pie?

Now give yourself access to another persons mind (or an uploaded copy). "Where" do those thoughts and ideas occur?

>> No.3655719 [View]
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>> No.3371442 [View]
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The less responsibilities you have in life, the more you fear death. The more responsibilities, the more you prepare for it.

Need to get something going. However, you're in luck! You've got a Jupiter return coming (~24y) which will coincide with an increasing sense of purpose. You'll know when it hits, but it's up to you to grab it and make something out of yourself!

>> No.3222735 [View]
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>entirety of existence on a set course only observable from sources outside of all existence
>so long as I am only but a fraction of that system I am still capable of free will
>I'm OK with this

>> No.2819180 [View]
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Subjects progress through a hierarchy of interconnected abilities. You won't be reading history books until you're able to actually read and understand them.

>Entry to education
Basic math (arithmetic)
Curiosity studies (colors, shapes *non math, music)
Recess / free time

>Early years
Reading / writing / spelling
Basic math (arithmetic / multiplication & division / fractions)
Basic geometry (shapes and simple multiplication impact)
Science (intro to physical sciences)
Curiosity studies (art, computers, music)
Gym / physical training
Recess / free time

>Middle years
Reading / writing / grammar
Math (multiplication & division / order of operations / into to exponents & roots)
Science (physical science basics)
Gym / physical training
Curiosity studies (art / computers / music / sports)
Recess / free time

>Later years
Reading / writing / grammar / 2nd language
History / Literature
Government / World studies
Home economics (Cooking, Maintenance, basic economics)
Math (Algebra, geometry)
Science (specialized science classes)
Personal fitness training
Curiosity studies (art / computers / music / sports / humanities)
Free time

>Pre-freedom (final phase of compulsive education: high-school juniors & seniors)
Writing / grammar / research / 2nd language
History / World studies
Governments / Local Government (How to use government services like: secretary of state, selective services, voter initiatives, etc.) / Basic law
Home economics / Personal finance
Math (Algebra / Trig / Calculus *based on proficiency)
Sciences (specialized classes selected by interests)

>Continuing education
pending further inquiry

>> No.2650122 [View]
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Imagine that an additional eye was somehow connected to your brain. Where would that new section of eyesight be represented?

Everything from your left eye appears to the left, and opposite for the right. If you had a third eye in the middle, would it simply be superimposed onto your current visual field? What if the third eye was down the street in a warehouse?

What if you were connected to hundreds of eyes. Would your field of vision remain the same, with a bunch of overlapping information? Or would it expand based on the addition of new visual information? "Where" would it get added?

This idea came to me when I was thinking about going beyond a simple heads-up display, to inputting digital information directly to the brain. "Where" would this information appear? Could you create a visual field of infinite size in your mind? Is the brain hard wired for only 2 visual inputs?

>> No.1829290 [View]
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Humans which are created and die within the centuries can hardly expect to understand the infinite years of a universe without creation or destruction.

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