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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4093181 [View]
File: 1.16 MB, 1952x3264, TheDragonvert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to medicate these people.
Fucking dream.

While we're at it, we need to cull a lot of the population. This isn't because I'm annoyed with them, it's because the planet simply cannot sustain this many people living the way we do.

Might as well start with the anti-vaxers. I'll ring up my friends from where I used to work, see if I can't get a conspiracy going to poison the homeopathic treatments.

>> No.3860412 [View]
File: 1.16 MB, 1952x3264, TheDragonvert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I have one.

As far as humanoid reptilians go, whatever. I get cold easily, look down on most people, love reptiles (not sexually, but I feel the need to clarify, this is 4chan afterall), and like my meat rare with tons of delicious and juicy myoglobin.

Sadly, I have yet to be invited into any cabal of world-ruling creatures from space.

>> No.3553797 [View]
File: 1.16 MB, 1952x3264, TheDragonvert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds interesting. I like finswimming primarily because it makes me feel like a marine mammal, as strange as that sounds. I go down, I see things, I interact, I go up for air. The impermanence of the whole thing gives it meaning.

My girlfriend refuses to even try freediving with me. She almost drowned once as a kid and she won't go near water unless she's well above the surface. I think it's unfortunate in that we're a species adapted to the "unnatural".

I breathe a gas that isn't air to hang out underwater. I use a quirk of physics to fly. I was even conceived by unnatural (in-vitro fertilization) means.

We do the unnatural and we revel in it. We conquer everything from the deep sea to deep space with our puny brains. We take advantage of physics to expand the human experience. It's awesome, it's sweet, it's fun, bitches love it.

Mad Scientist, this may (read: will) sound presumptuous. However, someday I will do mushrooms with you in a submarine hovering above an abyssal plain and we will grow (intellectually) from the experience.

Mankind conquers. Science conquers. The two work hand-in-hand and the process is inevitable.

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