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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4476693 [View]
File: 71 KB, 443x469, left-brain-right-brain[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am writing a thesis about the brain. I would like to know what are your opinions about personality deriving from which side dominates more. Is it truly possible to change your entire personality then and be 100% satisfied with it?

>> No.3995572 [View]
File: 71 KB, 443x469, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tell me /sci/, I'll be attending university next year and wondering what strategies can be used to increase me memory and get the best out of study?

Personal stories and ways of learning/studying would be awesome.

>> No.3171774 [View]
File: 71 KB, 443x469, left-brain-right-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intellect expresses itself overwhelmingly through the left-brain, the part that deals in ‘physical’ reality and the sequential, ‘rational’, analytical and objective … can I see it, touch it, taste it, hear it or smell it? Okay, it exists, then. The left brain, or ‘intellect’, sees reality through the five senses and perceives the world in parts, not unity. Look at our ’society’.

The idea behind ‘education’, and to the most extreme extent at places like Oxford, is to develop what I call ‘left-brain prisoners’ - prisoners of the intellect - and the system is structured to do just that from the moment we sit down in our first school right through to leaving college and university.

How do you progress within the ‘education’ system? You pass exams. And the more effective you are at taking in left brain information and repeating it on an exam paper the quicker and higher you progress. If you do that brilliantly well (elite families apart) you end up at Oxford or Cambridge, Harvard or Yale.

What do you need generally to be a doctor, scientist, top politician, government administrator, military leader, etc.? Exam passes and a ‘good education’ (good indoctrination) and so the institutions that run the system generation after generation are controlled by people enslaved in the left brain, or intellect, and therefore see everything in terms of parts and not unity.

It explains so much.

The right brain, the balance for the intellect, deals with the random, intuitive, holistic, and subjective. Its perspective is one of unity, of free-flowing creativity and of infinity, not limitation. It expresses itself most obviously through the artistic and the maverick.

Wars, crimes, pain and suffering are not human nature, they are the effect of the left-brained society we have built around us.

TL;DR: hippies were right, one love.

>> No.3105868 [View]
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Hey /sci/ can someone help. When y=ba^x explain why a semi-log plot will give a straight line.

I know semi-log plots show detail in smaller and larger values for x but I can't explain why this gives a straight line.

Pic not related

>> No.3030423 [View]
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We live in a world dominated by science and the left-brain, Humans have lost the art, creativity, uniqueness and one's selfs true expression.

Sure it has created wonderful things we take for granted today such as airplanes, cars, and all sorts of technology, but scientism locks you up in the left-brain, it automatically takes you for granted that everything in the 5 senses is the only things that exist, while infact our view of reality/consciousness is a mere frequency.

To let scientism dominate our society, is to have our minds and creativity put in a prison, where the left-brained ideologies tell us what to believe and what not.

Albert Einstein is a genius,
but Mahatma Gandhi is a miracle.

Science is a religion, aslong as we let it dominate us we will be left-brained slaves.

>> No.2705969 [View]
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It's the battle of the left brain versus the right brain.

>> No.2691383 [View]
File: 71 KB, 443x469, left-brain-right-brain[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /sci/, time for a change of pace. Most of the theoretical postulating and such is about physics. Let's turn it to biology, shall we?

Now. As we all know, death, ends your consciousness. Making an exact clone (Impossible, I know. But just work with me here) of you, would merely make two of your "consciousness"s, correct? As would copying your "consciousness" to an electronic drive (Again, impossible currently, but just work with me here).

However; assume, that we had a way, to "turn a brain back on". Essentially flipping the "on" switch, on a dead/removed brain, that was in all other regards perfectly fine. Would the conscious of that brain "turn back on" as well? Or would it simply make a copy of the conscious?

tl;dr Can we perfectly keep our conscious immortal somehow? As that's what most people want when they want "immortality". Your thoughts/perspective/memories wouldn't suddenly fly back to a clone of yours. Because as we all know, souls (In the fantasy sense, don't bring philosophy into this) don't exist.

>> No.2632039 [View]
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Hey /sci/ I have an odd question.

I'm hoping SOMEONE here has published something and can assist me in understanding the proper course of action I need to take.

I work at a top-tier university (West Coast) doing research for two separate professors, with separate research material/subjects.

I've recently realized I can combine the research I'm doing for each. This is a god-mode career making link. In such logic, I could write on both topics, citing and combining with my new insight

Now the research subjects are not "secret", but it's sort of a baby for one of the professors. It's their new hot sorta thing, and I've been voluntarily assisting with this interest. I've previously been told by one of these Professors "Other people can write on your topic, but they're still not you."

What's the best course of action here to get something written and published with MY name on it, so my idea doesn't get sniped, and preferably I don't piss off a Professor...

>> No.2623731 [View]
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>> No.1796154 [View]
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>> No.1218826 [View]
File: 71 KB, 443x469, left-brain-right-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /sci/

I wanna improve my left brain capacity/skill

What should I do ?

>> No.1108971 [View]
File: 71 KB, 443x469, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever actually had a lucid dream? I've been looking at some things about lucid dreaming and have become quite interested.

It seems kinda creepy though. Could you possibly have a lucid nightmare by accident?

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