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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7569723 [View]
File: 62 KB, 440x472, ss (2015-10-04 at 03.14.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat TeX expert analysis
You're a complete pretentious idiot and I'm surprised that nobody has called you out on this. (Though not too much, this is /sci/ after all, the extended leg of /r9k/.)
>the font looks Latin Modern which is not a standard font for MS
No, it doesn't look like Latin Modern at all which you would know if you read just one fucking paper typeset in it. It looks much more like some Times variant, which used to be the default in Office 2003 and older.
>the kerning is too good for MSshit
The kerning is absolutely average and LaTeX by itself doesn't do wonders either. Typically, to achieve beautiful and balanced typesetting, you would use a package like microtype or polyglossia.
The word justification, on the other hand, is horrendous in many places, for instance in pic related, which is the kind of spacing one would easily achieve in MS Office. It might be a bit harder to do in stock LaTeX, and close to impossible with microtype/polyglossia.
>TeX posters are notoriously difficult to make. Learning how to those columns alone takes weeks.
I'm starting to understand this is a troll post. Or you're extremely mentally challenged.
>What I REALLY love about this poster is the fact that whoever made it bothered to perfect the font in captions and on the perfectly done vector graphics
The font is the same shit as above. The illustration in 'Fabrication of Silk Fibroin Solution' is really nice, but the diagram in 'Design of Silk Fibroin Thin Film Lateral Flow Ebola Detection System' is SHIT, fucking unbalanced GARBAGE. As before, you'd be able to recognise this if you had just a bit of fucking aesthetic feel.

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