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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4730959 [View]
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Hey, /sci/, I think this might be the right place for this question, if not I apologize.
I've been thinking about bionic eyes lately, and about people who are born color blind. Couldn't bionic eyes possibly be used to give dichromats the same vision as trichromats? And going from there, would we also be able to just give everyone with bionic eyes tetrachromatic vision? I know there's been some stories about human tetrachromats, and as far as I can tell, most of the components that determine di-,tri-,or tetrachromacy seem to be in the eye itself.

Don't have a related pic unfortunately

>> No.3369618 [View]
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This "game" is fantastic for getting really fucking blazed off of your finest weed and letting your mind wander as you enjoy having all of existence at your fingertips.

>> No.3271344 [View]
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Does /sci/ know anything about the energy catalyzer/Defkalion thing?



The only shit I can find about this is on shady blogs... anyone know what this is?

>> No.3170474 [View]
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I am about to start a masters in nanotech. I was curious about the possibility of using an e-book reader to replace the college textbooks. It appears that most of the textbooks I need are available online.

Of the options the two best ones appear to be a Kindle DX and the iPad with kindle or ibooks.

The iPad seems to have the advantage of being easier to highlight and make notes (especially with my blue-tooth keyboard) however the device is much more expensive and I imagine a backlit screen would really damage my eyes.

The Kindle is much more clumsy of an interface but the battery would last much longer and I feel like I could mostly take notes on pad and paper as I used to. Highlighting would be a problem but I believe you can e-mail and archive passages as needed.

Do any of you have experience with this? I would appreciate any advice you could give!


>> No.3149968 [View]
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I got my degree in music performance and I am thinking that wasn't such a good career choice.

My second love was always science. My favorite of which is Physics.

Is going back to school to get a second bachelors in physics good enough to get a good job? What about applied physics (engineering physics)

Also, I have been reviewing calculus, diff eq, chem, physics and all of the concepts that go with it and I am still a little worried that the degree might be a bit hard for me.

I am willing to work my ass off and I've always done well in the high school classes but being away from it for so long might not have been a good idea.

I assume many of you are in school for physics or engineering, what are your thoughts?

>> No.3040943 [View]
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Philosophy and Art are two. Not really sure about a third, because Philosophy, Art, and Science seem to be a pretty cool trifecta to me, and any others I can think of fit under the umbrella of Philosophy and Art.

>Actual Knowledge

All knowledge is actual.

>> No.2839991 [View]
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This thread is relevant to my interests.

tl;dr answer- Yes, hypnotism is very, very real.

The mind can be fucked with in many, many different, fun ways.
I don't think i'd have enough room here to cite every source, but a brief search on 'government experiments' or 'mind control' in Wikipedia is sure to give you piles of legit results.

They 'have' experimented with people before, without consent, much like the soldiers back in the day they were giving daily doses of LSD in their coffee, just to 'see what would happen'.

Though the majority of what our goverment knows was most likley brought over here by German scientists in WW2, where they were given amnesty in return for sharing all of their research.

>> No.2613424 [View]
File: 44 KB, 444x544, 1274324658587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mandatory Carl Sagan picture, especially relevant because he is involved in the video.

also tl:dr, aliens respond to a binary code message by Carl Sagan.

>> No.2421463 [View]
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>> No.2400602 [View]
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>> No.2250963 [View]
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Holy fuck I laughed.

>> No.2182992 [View]
File: 44 KB, 444x544, 1269423483428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever sit and wonder where human civilization would be currently if the ancient greeks did not collapse due to hellenic cosmopolitainism and foreign barbarian pressures? Makes me sad :<

Anyways, enjoy the awesome ancient tech.... IN LEGOS


>> No.2040847 [View]
File: 44 KB, 444x544, wellfuckson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he was an amazing man. What else is there to say?

>> No.1991124 [View]
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Prop 19 will pass.

>> No.1987799 [View]
File: 44 KB, 444x544, trippin balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refreshed 2 times, looked through pages 0-3, no pot thread on prop 19 day.

Hence: Prop 19 discussion, go
Also pot thread general

>> No.1638268 [View]
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>> No.1633727 [View]
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Please, /sci/, I need your help more than ever. So, long story short, I'm one of those people who has always done naturally well in math and science in school, but never pursued a career involving the subjects.

Next month I'll start my junior year of college. Up till now I've been bouncing from major to major, but soon I'll have to make a final decision. I'm on the fence about whether or not I should major in chemistry. The problem is I'd basically be starting from square one, so I'd have to take a shitton of extra classes to catch up.

/sci/entists and particularly chemists of /sci/, what's the job market look like for chemistry majors? How about salaries? Would it really be worth all the extra work, or should I just go for an easier major?

tl;dr I want to make obscene quantities of drugs but still have a nice professional life. Advice anyone?

>> No.1435533 [View]
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>> No.1405592 [View]
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If the weather outside is 0 degrees, and the weather forecast says it will be "twice as cold" tomorrow, what will tomorrow's temperature be?

>> No.1056081 [View]
File: 44 KB, 444x544, carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gravity does decrease with distance you illiterate cunt. OP, google the inverse square law of gravitation. It is probably correct that it shouldn't exist, but then again it May have an exeptionally large supermassive quasar, or an exceptionally large quantity of dark matter.

>> No.986187 [View]
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Have you graduated highschool yet? Do they still teach science there? My god. Also, you answered your own question.

>> No.943382 [View]
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Fools! "This" is a word.

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