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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5558876 [View]
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Wolfgang Pauli is also cool for wanting an honest etiquette in the sciences.
Maxwell wrote poems, I like that.

I'm a fan of Grothendieck.

>> No.5361939 [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, babybourbaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good book on Haskell
(maybe a more serious, mathematically inclined book than "Learn You A Haskell".)

>> No.5206653 [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1334340042572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dowwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

I'm in essentially the same boat as you OP. Got into a great school finally after 2 years of community college, and then my first semester went disastrously.

I'm on track to fail 4/5 classes. On top of that MY girlfriend of 3 years dumped me (even though, after 3 years long distance, I have finally arrived at the same school as her).

And suicide? The word hasn't crossed my mind nigga!

I'm going to go home, cool off, do some independent study and relax for a few months. Then I'm coming back next semester for another try-- signing up for easier classes this time.

It's easy to fly off track. Life throws shit at you sometimes, but it won't ever stop.

You'll be a 45 year old man with two kids to feed and your wife will leave you out of nowhere and take everything you have... and you still have to put a smile on your face and walk into work like nothing happened.

Life is neither easy nor hard. It oscillates between these things to varying extents for different people.

You don't have it as bad as you think. Life gives you second chances for this kind of thing.

Take a time out, collect your thoughts, look at what else might be bothering you in life (ex: low self esteem, lack of friends, financial problems etc), talk to advisers and figure out what you have to do.

If that means coming back home to do a semester or two of community college, so be it! That's a hell of a lot better than death!

If it means you have to take out a loan to cover yourself while you try and get a scholarship again, so be it!

And stop getting carried away with this idea of needing to be a brilliant scientist/engineer. That conception will only leave you feeling inadequate all the time.

Try accepting the fact that, after working your ass off, you'll be a solid engineer, and a damn good human being.

Good luck bud, roll with them punches.

>> No.4931313 [View]
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ITT: fancy theorems and why they are fancy.

>> No.4872251 [View]
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I also do cardio 2 or 3 times a week
(running for about 30 or 40 mins)

>> No.4682245 [View]
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Every person you get to know is a new chance to be the person you want to be.



>> No.4628063 [View]
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I don't think anything would make me happier than to be researching something (anything!) in a field-work setting.

Unfortunately, I majored in mathematics.

What can I do to get involved with some kind of scientific field work? I feel like it's my life's calling, seriously.

>> No.4595309 [View]
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So I'm learning basic proof methods... induction, contradiction, contraposition and so forth for very easy statements in addition, divisibility etc.

I'm struggling with 'how thorough is too thorough'...

There don't seem to be any clear guidelines on what I'm allowed to assume and what I have to explain. Are there some general guidelines?

Shouldn't I be told "prove ____ assuming only _____" or something?

Wouldn't I be trying to prove all of mathematics otherwise?

>> No.4593183 [View]
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If you are a student of math or physics,

what is the question regarding the foundation of math or physics you care most about and how do you approach it?

>> No.4572240 [View]
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Any <physics> and <mathematics> students (university) here? Report in.

*What subjects are strong at your university?
*If any, who are the knowable people working at you university?
*Which year are you in?
*What do you specialize in?
*Why did you choose it?
*Do you think you going to do something big?

>> No.4421793 [View]
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sharing random new TED video


>> No.4062391 [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1307598337129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know them all?


>> No.4047558 [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1307598337129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice to academic presenters:

1. Most of the audience either has a Ph.D. or is about to get one.

2. It is extremely hard to get a doctorate without finishing college.

3. Colleges rarely accept students without high school diplomas.

4. Before graduating from high school it is necessary to pass the third grade.

5. Passing the third grade requires being able to read.

6. Therefore, almost all of your audience knows how to read.

7. That makes it completely unnecessary - not to say outrageously annoying - to read your fucking slides out loud. Slides should complement, not duplicate, your verbal presentation.

>> No.3197042 [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1307598337129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/ what kind of science or math is going on in this picture?

I must know

Thank you

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