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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6486648 [DELETED]  [View]
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Besides saying they're homo, waht do you guys REALLY hate? Pic related albeit biased

>> No.6228248 [View]
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Why would I care? I just want to make stuff do stuff.

>> No.5577857 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys please record yourself singing this song with this barbie girl midi


>Lyrics I’m an Engineer
Erecting gear
Practicality that is my reality
Designing everywhere
With Einstein styled hair
Complex equations help make my creations
I make bots, I make planes, I make things run efficient
I do my own research.
You can touch! You can play! If you say my patents are mine!

>Record yourself here http://vocaroo.com/

>> No.5560676 [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, lg_engineer__poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know you wanted to be an engineer? What traits do typical engineers possess?

I'm in my first year of undergrad and I'm not sure what I should major in. I don't detest math and the highest class I've taken was pre-calculus/trigonometry.

I enjoy chemistry so I'm entertaining the idea of chemical engineering.

>> No.5519522 [View]
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>> No.5483791 [View]
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I know a lot of engineering students browse this board and I thought you guys might be interested in this. Here are the results from the engineering post-graduate survey from the University of Colorado at Boulder. The survey was sent out about 9 months after graduation

>18% underemployed
>5% unemployed and looking for work
>almost 1/4 engineering graduates are unemployed or working McJobs 9 months after graduation.
If engineering is that bad I cant imagine what the other fields are like

>Chemical Engineering had the highest starting salary followed by Computer Science with 59.6k and 59.2k respectively.
>Engineering Physics had the lowest starting salary followed by Environmental Engineering with 46k and 48k respectively.

Program abbreviations:
AMEN: Applied Math
AREN: Architectural Engineering
ASEN: Aerospace Engineering
CBEN: Chemical and Biological Engineering
CHEN: Chemical Engineering
CSEN: Computer Science
CVEN: Civil Engineering
ECEN: Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEEN: Electrical Engineering
EPEN: Engineering Physics
EVEN: Environmental Engineering
MCEN: Mechanical Engineering


>> No.4498432 [View]
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Which field of engineering will get me the best salary?

>> No.3977587 [View]
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engineering is a great way to experience involved math and science and still be in a high demand job market.. what could be better?

>> No.3958333 [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, lg_engineer _poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering flame war?

ITT: Which engineering major is best, and why.

>> No.3839828 [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, lg_engineer%20_poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what kind of "engineers" you've been meeting, but over here they get jobs more easily and get paid more. Plus bonuses for being engineers.

>> No.3605243 [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, lg_engineer%20_poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did this "engineers are gay" meme start?
Is there any connection to reality whatsoever, or is another instance of random chan-humor?

>> No.3178219 [View]
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Which country has the best engineers? I would assume it to be either USA or China, but then again I'm biased. Thoughts?

>> No.3137083 [View]
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Jelly betafag, bow down before your superiors.

>> No.2428550 [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, Engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you need a PhD to be taken seriously as a Physicist.

Still need a PhD to be taken seriously.

Lab Technician is an 'easy' job that you can train for and will always be in demand, though you'll find difficulty getting a job in a country where you don't know the language.

To answer your question, OP: Engineering. Full Stop.

No need for Grad School (though a Masters helps), can find work anywhere civilized (and many places non), you'll always be needed, respected, and paid well fresh out of undergrad.

Despite what my colleagues suggest, I would actually recommend staying away from the bio-sciences unless you're committed. Bio-sciences, just like any other natural science (such as Physics) is more of an 'all or nothing' field. As in, either you've got a PhD (or MD) and are a hard-assed researcher or you're nothing.

Nobody gets PhD's in an engineering field unless they're going into academia. Though some people do get Masters degrees and they're paid quite well, if you're looking for something to do fresh out of undergrad you'll be hired quickly once you mention you're an engineer.

In short: Engineering. /thread

>> No.2285344 [View]
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Why does /sci/ hate engineers so much? I'm a bisexual engineer and love my job.

>> No.2230656 [View]
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Oh hi, /sci/!
I'm looking for a major, can't decide. I'm at the University of Minnesota, and I'm pretty much running out of time, I have to declare a major soon.

Tell me:
1. Your major
2. Why it is fucking amazing (or not)

>> No.2037861 [View]
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You're right, it'll take forever and a day, but it could be done. Though I suppose we've still got 28,000 years before we're due for a galactic empire so we've got time.

No, it's legit...just kinda...ridiculous.

He's already here, he's banned a couple of my posts so far. I'm expecting a SWAT team shortly, there goes my plans for the day.

How serious are you about this, buddy?
I ask because I graduate soon and to pull off a proposal like this you'll need an Engineer's oversight... I have an offer for 70k, but I'm willing to drop to 60k for you because I believe in your cause. Alternatively you could pay for my Masters Degree and have a more effective engineer at your disposal.

Remember, if someone on their end spots a problem with your proposal, you lose credibility that it's nigh impossible to regain. You want someone to go over your proposal with a fine-tooth comb to find ANY possible inconsistency or flaw.

>> No.2026770 [View]
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As an engineer, prepare to do a lot of footwork on your own. Engineering is about researching your topic area and making informed decisions that lead to a solution optimized for desired constraints.

What I'm saying is that it's very unprofessional to let a bunch of random strangers make life choices for you. You want to be an engineer? Start acting like one and do your homework on various engineering fields, their focuses, and how they relate to your final goals.

A good start would be defining your constraints, your desirables, and to weigh the ability of different fields based on their ability to deliver desirables.

For a constraint example, let's say you're committed to a certain university, what engineering programs do they have and how good are they? Do they have a masters program and would you get it here if they did?

For weight, what do you want to do and how much does each field match that?

A more productive exercise would be to list what you want to do then ask /sci/ how the different engineering fields match up.

>> No.1987524 [View]
File: 61 KB, 576x757, Engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1987460 I'm not an extremist...but engineers are evil because a bridge collapsed that I'm SURE must have been the fault of the engineer, not the contractor!

>>1987460 I'm not an extremist...but we should all, like, go back to nature man. Technology is, like, wicked man and, like, makes man irresponsible. *puff puff* Man wouldn't be irresponsible without technology, man, it's science that makes man do bad things, man. *puff puff*

>>1987460 I believe in giving credit where credit is due, btw I have no idea who designed the computer I'm typing on, the bus I'll be taking to middle school, the building I'll be in most of the day, the cell phone I absolutely must have or I'll throw a fit, or my EXXBAWWKS!

Please go, go and enjoy what years of analysis and manufacture has given you. Know that it is not by chance the building you are in does not collapse, but by analysis from the poor soul you hold in so little regard. Maybe when you're older you'll learn not to take for granted what takes work, patience, practice, and wisdom.

Though, a whippersnapper ya be, I reckon' yew ungrateful li'l git'll just keep thinkin' properly designed stuff'll just keep growin' on trees as it always has.

>> No.1967643 [View]
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>>1967279 field of mathematics hardly related to engineering...engineering students unconcerned with proofs...freshman calculus...freshman calculus

I'm sorry, I try very hard not to be a dick to people on /sci/, but you either 1. Attend a very poor engineering school 2. Have friends who will make for shitty engineers or 3. Are making sweeping generalizations about the field of engineering based entirely on how your specific 'engineering friends' at your specific university acted during their FRESHMAN year.

Way to go, no really, give yourself a hand, you deserve it.

You strike a resounding chord with the 'different people, different problems' line. Although I hope you interpret your example correctly. A GOOD engineer will recognize the implications of something and remember it in the event it could prove useful, and will therefore never dismiss anything entirely as worthless. Though I, myself, am unfamiliar with the conjecture used in your example so I can't say for certain whether there is some universal or obvious reason why it wouldn't see practical application in hardware construction.

Biology is a fascinating field, with elements and implications that can be manipulated by those willing and able. But Pre-Meds take biology or biology related fields. And everyone hates PreMeds.

>> No.1859004 [View]
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Enlightening, an excellent find anonymous and worthy of a bookmark.

Let's analyze this.
Let's assume perfect extraterrestrial iridescence (144% of surface), let's also assume this extraterrestrial solar array remains in such a position that it is always perpendicular to the sun such that it always achieves peak power output (eliminates 20% averages restriction, increasing efficiency by roughly 80%!) Let's also assume that we've found a way to eliminate space-junk so these panels never get dirty or break and let's do some digging into Mankin's et.al. where he claims that if he had infinite money he could build an array capable of microwave energy transmission reaching efficiency of 60%.

So we have .1 Watts/in^2 (since no 80% reduction)
Multiplied by 1.44 (for improved extraterrestrial iridescence)
Multiplied by .6 (because microwave transmission sucks)
And we have .0864 Watts/in^2, but we're in space, so we've got alot of room to dick around. Let's be ambitious and say we're trying to solve the energy crisis, using this system to replace all current energy sources. "15 [TeraWatts (W * 10^12)] – geo: average total power consumption of the human world in 2004[13]" (source is Wiki).

So we've got .0864 Watts / In^2 trying to provide 15000000000000 Watts. That's about 1.736 * 10^14 square inches of high-grade solar paneling. Also read as 43246.09534 square miles of perfectly functioning solar paneling. That's about the size of Pennsylvania.

>> No.1618381 [View]
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This field can mean many things, so me describing to you what this field entails is worthless. The best thing you can do is look up how your specific university treats BioEngineering. Generally used to make practical aspects of Biology. Generally a major of Pre-Meds. Expect to be made fun of as a pre-med, even if you're not. Expect to make relatively low grades in your classes, because they'll be swamped by anal-retentive perfectionist pre-meds. Can be difficult, for reasons mentioned earlier.

Computer Science
I'll say this once, but you need to repeat it to yourself ten times: I WILL NOT CONFUSE THE TERM "Computer Scientists" WITH "Code Monkey". Just because you know a programming language or four does not mean you're a computer scientists. A Computer Scientists is a Practical Mathematician (Repeat this ten times, too). You solve ABSTRACT MATHEMATICAL problems using technology and figure out how to make your solutions useful. CompSci's will NEVER be used in a robotics project unless the robot is expected to do something very complicated. If needed, a CompSci is expected to build a complete operating system and dedicated programming language from scratch based on the shitty hardware provided them by the Elec team. CompSci is often considered not a 'real' engineering school as it's methods and practices are more abstract than most 'real' engineering. With this in mind, expect to bridge the gap between pure mathematics and engineering. Difficulty (like Mathematics) depends on your university, and how much you apply yourself.

>> No.1548971 [View]
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>> No.1535821 [View]
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So why didn't you become an engineer and do something useful with your life instead of spending it sucking cock for research grants with science?

>inb4 a scientist implies that anyone will ever read/use his theist/papers outside of adding random citations to their own paper.

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