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>> No.15175425 [View]
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>I can't see other universes or other timelines where he could have been reincarnated, therefore other universes don't exist

>> No.14743364 [View]
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>"HURR DERP! It's wasn't me. It was the software."

Okay brainlet.

>> No.12756527 [View]
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>don't trust the experts because the experts told me experts were wrong
Never gets old.

>> No.12306667 [View]
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>I said it doesn't cause anything/remains unchanged.
One has nothing to do with the other, and insulators do cause something, they cause insulation! How dumb are you?

>The best insulator is a vacuum so "you're not even wrong!"
How does this respond to anything I said? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12296205 [View]
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>negative energy density

>> No.12273225 [View]
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>> No.12247827 [View]
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>No the problem is that the proposed solutions to reduce co2 either actually do nothing or are completely unfeasible while actual solutions exist.
>I'm not talking about carbon taxes.

>> No.12113500 [View]
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>Is that meme implying that Flouride doesn't reduce IQ
FlUOride doesn't reduce IQ in normal concentrations.

>Building 7 scientifically collapsed in its own footprint
It didn't. There was plenty of debris that fell outside of its footprint when it collapsed.

>live reported to have collapsed while it was still standing
Right, reporters can't make mistakes, they must have been told the building was going to collapse. They were told this in advance instead of the government just waiting for them to see the building collapse because... the government just likes telling reporters about their secret plans. Seek help for your mental illness.

>Vaccine damages doesn't occur even though they pay out 10s of millions of dollars every year
No one said vaccines don't have side effects, so I don't know what you're screeching about.

>> No.11994492 [View]
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 854B1231-3344-4815-B4E4-4F4E6333DDC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but what if they change it to a more accurate name. u mad!

>> No.11600527 [View]
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>can't support any of his bullshit

>> No.11395062 [View]
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>says the guy who thinks he knows a topic better than scientific experts

>> No.11068727 [View]
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>consensus of scientific evidence isn't evidence

>> No.11063039 [View]
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>he's still trying to predict my degree
You're truly delusional if you think this is working.

>> No.11044764 [View]
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>makes source-less claim
>demands source

>> No.10889119 [View]
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>the speed of air

>> No.10706761 [View]
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>Friction of what you nutcase? The carousel and your feet are spinning at the same rate aren't they? What friction?

>> No.10670474 [View]
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>> No.10564099 [View]
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Naive retard who believes anything someone tells him on youtube. I myself am right wing but I am not surprised that you can't decipher dishonest rhetoric from reality.

>> No.10510442 [View]
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Total = 0

>> No.10398313 [View]
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>another mislabeled graph that doesn't show modern temperature and isn't global

>> No.10260019 [View]
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>Developed nations are taking steps to limit obesity while developing nation in Africa and Asia have no plans on doing so. The vast majority of our impact on this World's fat content will in fact, be their fault in the very near future and what we've contributed will seem like nothing by comparison. How do you propose we force countries like China and India to comply to the West's attempt at limiting obesity? Rations? Forced starvation? Because that will be the only solution to this apparent problem.

>We're growing frustrated in Europe in America because we're already dieting and now you people want us to do it more, while you ignore these growing fatties in the East. Your preaching and bitching is reaching a point where EVERYONE will ignore you if you in the (((Scientific Community))) continue to push this double standard.

>> No.10250642 [View]
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>CO2 is infact a great molecule
>If you ignore all its negative effects

>> No.10216300 [View]
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>> No.10176413 [View]
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>You compared two different things!!!11
Yeah that's how comparisons work, retard.

The Earth's climate constantly changing doesn't tell us whether the current change is normal or safe.

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