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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6032364 [View]
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You sure its not 2-methyl? The aldehyde is represented at the end of the molecule and thus would be on carbon 4. Thence the methyl is on carbon 2.

>> No.5542937 [View]
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>2 is definitely not going to happen (or at least not in my life time)

Are you like, 70 or something?

>> No.5490607 [View]
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The equations are about fracture mechanics I believe.

>> No.5401198 [View]
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>China is a communistic state and intends to be that way

You do know that china is no less capitalistic than murrika right? The only difference is the degree to which the gov. interferes.

China won't fight with the US, and the US won't fight with China. Both have way too much to lose. If the US stops trading with china, the chinese economy will tank because most of the rest will stop as well. China is an export country and it would rapidly collapse without markets to export too.
The US relies on cheap chinese resources that it is too lazy/expensive to get from its own lands.

TL:DR: expect proxy sabre rattling and Japan getting caught in the middle, but nothing big will happen. Both countries have too much to lose. The two biggest bullies in the playground will pick on smaller kids before fighting each other.

>> No.5204556 [View]
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What about Bremsstrahlung? If electrons are moving around atoms which are positively charged they would be deflected by the electrostatic interaction and radiate away energy. Thus energy loss thus cannot carry on indefinitely.

>> No.4944668 [View]
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Bear in mind that as sea water gets depleted it will become harder to extract the uranium.

A bigger point is that only a small % of uranium is U235 and thus far more than 1 kilo of uranium will be needed to make 1 kilo of usable fuel.

>> No.4631453 [View]
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Was careful when picking papers to avoid maths heavy ones and still easily majored in Chem. Eng. I'm in Oz btw, much easier to graduate here as a few years ago the universities recognised that computers do the hard work. Far better to train people to problem solve and think laterally than to turn them in maths spouting parrots.

I'm a production engineer to metals refining. Built some spreadsheets to model the process and I just stick numbers in and BAM whenever feedstock or product requirements change. Cushy job bro


u jelly broham? All those hours you spent slaving over maths problems. Get into the computer age already, 'cos it makes COMPUTING the answer to annoying maths problems a fuckton easier.

>> No.4605534 [View]
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This guy needs to work out how to use tinyurl

>> No.3547746 [View]
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Not quite. He's applying engineering principles in order to maintain cell machinery, enhance the removal of waste and also prevent and repair damage caused by the body's normal operations.

Metabolism causes damage. Over time the damage accumulates to cause pathology, such as eye deterioration, weak bones, mental impairment etc. By repairing the damage as it is done, you prevent pathology from occurring.

>> No.2722478 [View]
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>To fix half of these problems:


Try at least trying to give a shit about what you teach. I know you may have some introverted enthusiasm for the subject, but, my God. At least fucking smile once every 10 goddamned minutes. Everyone in class is bored out of their fucking skull, the least you can do is NOT drone on like you hate it too.

Oh, and please, for the love of God, do not get angry with students that are having difficulties. If there is one thing that discourages learning (for all except the driven academics that became professors in the first place), it's scolding someone and saying "I've explained this before!!"

I spend half of my fucking class period thinking of how the professor could be condensing his material into the important parts and enhancing student comprehension with remaining time.

>> No.2141308 [View]
File: 13 KB, 372x333, CerealGuy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question:

Since evolution retains helpful trais and passes them along to offspring over thousands if not millions of years, why do the great apes have "thumbs" on their feet, and the current homosapien species does not? Wouldn't it be beneficial to be abble to have (basically) an extra set of hands? I mean obviously we have no need to hang from trees by our feet, but couldn't they have been used for more practical purposes?

tl;dr - Why do apes have thumb-toes and we dont?

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