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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6507389 [DELETED]  [View]
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why do we still do math by hand?
>have computers that can do math speed of light
>why not learn how to solve real life problems with computer
>leave mathematics classes open for shit tier math majors
>middle school, choose math or computer route

>> No.6477626 [DELETED]  [View]
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Ok i have a little bit of an issue here, i am capable of doing all of my math homework (Admittedly only up to Calc 1 level) but i have a major issue, i don't actually know what is really going on. Like i do it but i don't actually know why stuff works, and that leads to 90 percent of my issues. Slightly misremembering a formula or fact gives me a wildly wrong answer and i am past the point in math when i can just look at something and tell that it is clearly wrong, leading me to get B's when i should have had an A and C's when it should have been a B.

So im wondering how can i get a better understanding of what is going on when im doing things? I feel kinda screwed because all my life i was just taught how to do things like a computer script but never actually to understand what exactly is happening and its catching up to me now.

>> No.6445643 [View]
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I fucking regret majoring in math. There are no jobs to get straight out of college. Pretty much teaching is all there is. And even that takes 1 year to get certified.

Don't major in math, it sucks.

>> No.6379669 [View]
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It is my theory that logic and laws of the universe are one and the same. Logic exists because the laws of our universe are consistent and absolute. The universe always follows its laws, and thus logic exists. There is order.

Mathematics, in my mind, is language based logic which developed in us humans. You lay some rocks on the ground and arrange them and you can represent logic, and to a greater extent the laws of the universe.

Take a physics equation for example. It is built using math, the language based representation of logic, and logic, and abstraction of the laws of this universe. The equation consistently works when you punch the figures on.

Look at 1+1 = 2. This is language based logic, and this logic is a universal law. The concept of one and one making two exists everywhere in the universe. It is a fundamental consistency.

My thought is, since mathematics is a language based representation of logic, which is the abstraction of the laws of the universe, that math is an abstract, language based representation of the laws of the universe. Since logic is an abstraction, but seems to be grounded in the consistency of the universe, could we assume that all form of logic has a potential place in the universe? In many cases we found that concepts in science (a representation of the manifestation of the laws of the universe) fit into mathematical concepts we had discovered long before.

Mathematics could be a way to discover new ways in which the universe works without having to rely on testing and experimentation as science does? Instead of interpreting the workings of physical objects, we would interpret logic, which is a true abstraction of the laws which govern the workings of physical objects, so in a roundabout way we would still be interpreting the potential workings of physical objects.

>> No.6123162 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can you guys help me remember how to solve quadratics? I'm taking a bio class and we're on the Hardy-Weinberg stuff. It's been 2 years since I took a math class so I've forgotten a lot.

From the information in the question I know that recessive individuals, q^2 = 0.25, and I am asked to find the frequency of heterozygous individuals, 2pq. But for the life of me I can't remember how to solve the equation...

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1

knowing that q^2 (recessive individuals) = 0.25...

p^2 + 2p(root 0.25) + 0.25 = 1

Besides using the quadratic formula, how do I solve this for p?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.5982284 [View]
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>tfw maths major
>tfw literally master race

>> No.5901800 [DELETED]  [View]
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Okay /sci/
Yes, it's homework. I only ask here because i'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for. Calc AB summer packet.

Factoring: Fill in the missing factor (?)
g/(sqrt(g+1))-sqrt(g+1)=1/(sqrt(g+1)) x (?)

Random pic because fuck it. Thanks guys.

>> No.5883492 [DELETED]  [View]
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Dear /sci/,

I have an unusual question. I took two entrance exams for two different Universities and I got state scholarship for both of them. And now I have a huge decision to make.

The first one is Faculty of technical sciences and with that one I would become an engineer of computer science (BSc degree), and the other one is Faculty of mathematics and with that one I would get a BSc in computer science.

So what does the /sci/ think?
Should I become an engineer or a mathematician (cs)?

I've posted this same question on /g/, just to see some different responses.

>> No.5819506 [View]
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Hello /sci/, I have a very big question for you. It may even come off as obvious or a "stupid" question, but is the logical proofs and properties of Algebra the foundation for all other maths?

>> No.5817261 [View]
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>have you ever seen a 1 running around?
Yes I have seen representations, aka symbols of 1 running around. Math is abstractions of reality in symbolic and complex forms.
>L2maths faggot

>> No.5809633 [View]
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OP here.
My current study strategy is to study and develop a strong sense of algebra fundamentals and to also read the origins of Algebra, I will also be looking at the lectures from online and Kahn Academy. Do you have any other study tips that will help me fully understand the concepts better? Is this the right study path?

>> No.5784380 [View]
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>Natural Talent + Hard Work > Hard Work > Natural Talent

Hi /sci/, I am here to discuss what you think of as "talent". I noticed that many of you here have overrated what "natural talent" really is and in doing so you only limit yourself to lesser achievements. In fact, many use it to describe and alienate a group of people, "the talented" and "the untalented", and I find it childish and immature because there is no clear lines for what "talent" is, other than being opinionated and enigmatic. Also, I see people post that someone with talent and good work ethics can easily trump the feats of someone who works hard but lacks talent. In all honesty, you have made life so very limited if you think you are not one of the "talented ones". This "talent" as many call it, is hard work ethics, BUT it is also the ability to use and create with the tools of science in new innovative ways and thrive intellectually. I know this may seem like the wrong thread but I am calling out to the people of /sci/ to get over this obstacle of self-limitation. So, /sci/ why limit yourself anymore?

>> No.5768826 [DELETED]  [View]
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cant decide whether to major in math or cs. anyone can give some insight?

>> No.5695089 [View]
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I have the opportunity to take a 6 week precalc course at my community college this summer. I am definitely doing it but I also noticed that I can take a 5 week calc 1 course after finishing the precalc. Do you think that would be too hard? Advice?

>> No.5674406 [View]
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Is it possible to be less "mathematically minded" than somebody else? If so, is it possible to re-train that?

>> No.5642180 [View]
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Just finished my last math class (multivariable calc) for my engineering undergrad. Its kind of sad that I'm officially done with math. So I was wondering what math classes should I take after mutlivariable calc for fun? Anything that will help in engineering?

>> No.5609487 [View]
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Okay, /sci/, I have a math riddle for you. Don't bother looking it up on the internet because you won't find it. Here it is:

Recall that a natural number bigger than 1 is prime if its only factors are 1 and itself. Otherwise it is composite. Show that in any collection of 15 composite numbers selected from the first 2013 natural numbers, there have to be two having a common factor bigger than 1.

>> No.5575312 [View]
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Who is the mathematician called Gob?

My math professor kept talking about a mathematician named Gob (idk how it's spelled, he didn't write his name down) who derived the formula n*(n+1)/2 for the sum of all integers from 1 to n as an elementary school student.

I find this really fascinating, but I can't find any information about Gob. Anyone know where I can find more information about this mathematician Gob?

>> No.5477606 [View]
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/sci I am trying to plot something, and I dont know if my calculator just cant keep up or if the plot is impossible.

Y1: 0.5*Y2*x^2
Y2: 9.81*(6378000/Y3)^2
Y3: 15620500-Y1

I tried to do it with online plotters, but online plotters dont give you the option to put an earlier used equation in your next equation.

also, if its the eqations that just dont work, then I really need help of somebody with my assignment because I am fucking screwed if I dont get this done by tomorrow

>> No.5469861 [View]
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Sup , /sci/, any mathfags on?

I need help with this shit.

Write the equation of the line passing through P with normal vector 'n' in (a) Normal form and (b) general form.

P = (0,0), n= [3 2]

>> No.5444616 [View]
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I want to be a skilled hacker. What mathematics should I familiarize my self with? What online resources are best for practicing?

>> No.5418417 [View]
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Greetings /sci/
I present to you, the unsolvable equation. Think you can do it? I fucking doubt it.

A ball equation is given by: x^2-2x+y^2+2y+z^2-4z = 3
Find the balls center and radius.
Alpha: -2x+4y-4z-4 = 0 This is the tangentplan for the ball.
Calculate the coordinates to the tangentplans touchpoint (which we call Q)

It's translated directly from danish, so I apologize for the errors that might occur.

>> No.5411674 [View]
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hey there /sci/
looking for a liberal arts school with strong/reputable math/science programs. any suggestions?(no harvey mudd/caltech, probably can't get in)
I'm in IB Math HL (AP Math BC equiv.), which is basically calc 2 right now, and IB/AP Physics HL/C. took AP Chem and IB/AP Physics SL/B
thinking about engineering or doctor, but i really like math/physics/chem (in that order) so i might take those classes even if degree not related
i know it's kinda late to ask considering a lot of deadlines were jan 1st, but just discovered /sci/ so yea...

>> No.5323400 [View]
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Hey /sci/ first time visiting, I have a quick question for you, I am fascinated by physics and specifically particle and theoretical physics, as a result I've decided to major in this field and seeing how I have tons of free time and I love math would you say it's worth majoring both in physics and math? Or would it not benefit me enough to go through the trouble?
Initial assumptions:
>I will enjoy studying both
>I will not collapse under the pressure.
Should I major in physics or both physics and math?

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