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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9160839 [View]
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>You backed up jackshit.
so which of the four points >>9158546 are you contesting? if all of those are true, then human activity is causing hurricanes to become stronger.

>show me why humans are responsible for it.
like the other anon said, see >>9160663

>ad hominem
he's literally attacking your argument, you brainlet

>hurr Orange Daddy is too stupid to understand this therefore it's fake
dude that guy stared into the sun even after everyone told him it was bad for his eyes. he's a moron.

>> No.8887519 [View]
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>> No.8876087 [View]
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your claim is that papers which don't take a stance either way should be counted as rejecting the consensus, rather than simply set aside.
by that logic, you could claim that there is no consensus that evolution by natural selection is responsible for current biodiversity, since most papers on biology don't explicitly say so.

>Oreskes wasn't reproducible
it's pretty rich of you to claim that seeing as Cook actually reproduced Oreskes's results.
>Another attempt to reproduce his work fount the number of abstracts at 1%.
You're referring to Legates et al., which was a hot crock of shit. read this refutation:

>> No.8784045 [View]
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How do you deal with rage, /sci/?

Right now I'm so mad about having to look up whether or not a certain series converges that I can't even think straight and finish the rest of the problem set I'm trying to finish. Tons of people pass Calculus 2 every year without needing any help and here I am needing help after only 20 problems.

I understand if nobody else has this problem because nobody here had trouble until actually difficult courses like Abstract Math and Differential Equations, i.e. courses it's valid to need help solving problems in and doesn't signal that you're a fraud that needs to fucking off yourself ASAP.

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