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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10073334 [View]
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Does anyone have a grad course-level machine learning exam bank from schools like CMU or Stanford?
I'm going to have a mid-term this week (not from either of these schools but I heard that their exam was hard). That's why I want to grind a bit.

>> No.8111926 [View]
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>Conference paper due is 2 days
>4 pages left to write
>Need to prepare presentation to teach some undergrad students how to use the tools
>Still playing Overwatch all day anyway

How the fuck do I avoid getting addicted by video games or any sort of entertainment?
Honestly I like my current job as a research assistant. But I always find irrelevant shit like paperworks, writing research grant and teach the undergrad kids off-putting. In the end, all these things triggered my withdrawal syndrome and I started to play video games.

>> No.7948765 [View]
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Fuck fuck fuck
I don't want to believe this shit, fuck. I have a straight hair.

>> No.7930870 [View]
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It was late in the evening, I'm the only one who was still in the lab because I need to fix something. At that point, the school campus is quite quiet, you barely see anyone moving around except for some stupid couples decided to make out in some dark places.
Anyway, I suddenly felt an intense urge to masturbate so I started to move to the inner room of the lab so that people can't see me do what I did even if they entered the lab. I turned off all of the lights in the lab and browse my favorite porn on my laptop. The only light that is on is from my laptop screen. Then I started to fap furiously.
Then suddenly there was someone opened the outer door of the lab. I was like shit shit fuck fuck. I got panic as the person started to move toward the inner room, where I was fapping. I didn't know what to do so I moved the chair to the other end of the room, with my back against the door so as least that person won't see my unzipped dick.
Then I heard the door opened.
"Anon? you are still here?"
It was my female colleague.
"Y-Yeah". My back is still against her.
"What are you doing at this hour?"
She moved on and see my laptop screen. Shit, I forgot to close the porn.
I finished zipping my pants but when I turn around, she didn't even look at me, I can see that she feel very awkward. Then she proceeded to grab something and move outside and left.

She never told the prof but things have been awkward between me and her now. We barely talk in the lab.

>> No.7897314 [View]
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My friend has said that, if you or your professor does not know anyone among the staff of a conference, then I shouldn't submit my paper to that conf. I'm not talking about a Jewish conference where the peer review process is pretty much non-existing and you only need to pay some (stupid) cash to attend. I'm talking about well-known conferences where papers published in their proceedings will generally have big impacts in the future.
Is this true? He said that a conf, especially those being ranked A/A+, is pretty much a circlejerk between a group of researchers. If you are not known by any of them and try to submit a paper, your paper will pretty much get rejected without any second thoughts.
Of course, even if someone they know submit a shitty paper, they will still get rejected to keep the quality of the conf higher than Jewish confs.
I'm writing a paper and I'm really worried. Personally, I think the contents of my paper might not be state-of-the-art, but it's still better than some papers published in a profound conference last year.

>> No.7751889 [View]
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>Ask for advice on 4chan
>Tell people on the internet where you are going to study
>Proceed to post your fucking photo
Prepare to get raided idiot. It's the end of the semester and the children from /b/ lurks here like crazy.

>> No.7675964 [View]
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>Personal Grooming and Hygiene (Seminar)

>> No.7556522 [View]
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>> No.7544629 [View]
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What a long ass graph. Don't tell me those are what behind the 4chan image captchas.

>> No.7497663 [View]
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Honestly, that sounds fucking scary. Just take the meds.

>> No.7441368 [View]
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>> No.7352598 [View]
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>It's actually legit
I'm a Vietnamese and what the fuck should I do?

>> No.7313519 [View]
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>Electric wave tower
>Do not do face with picture machinery such as the video camera

>> No.7291991 [View]
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I have issues regarding anxiety when taking exams.
My stomach hurt and I want to go to the toilet. Moreover, I keep sweating.
I don't know why it keeps happening to me even if I study the materials thoroughly and I was supposed to feel confident.
Sometimes I made really stupid mistakes and lost (a lot) points because of that.
Please help. I have taken exams for 18+ years and I'm still worried everytime.

>> No.7280462 [View]
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How do you measure your efficiency anyway?
Is spending 10 hours on a single hard problem better than solving 10 moderate problem for 2-3 hours?
I always feel both good and remorse when I finish a hard problem after a long day of working on it. I feel like there has been better routine and I was not using my time good enough.

>> No.7255243 [View]
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Wait wait, is sex a must for your brain to do better? Is masturbation enough?
I'm gay and gay sex is banned in this country. I mean it's not like I will be kill or something but it will certainly rule my academic life because everyone here is basically homophobia (except for closest like me).

>> No.7137862 [View]
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What is the average amount of time you need to spend to fully understand a complicated textbook (that is it consists of mostly new knowledge to you).
I was reading convex optimization and It took me a month and more to read to chapter 3.
I'm afraid I might be dumb, there are a lot of new concepts that I can't get my head around them.
Every 3 or 4 days I need to revisit old sections to reread the concepts again to understand new chapters.
What should I do?

>> No.6994417 [View]
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Does frequent masturbation badly affect your brain?
I (was forced to) attend a health seminar in my uni and the doctor said that, a 20-29 years old male normally fap 8 times a week (for real).
I tried fapping at least once on 6 consecutive days and now I feel like shit, my mind feels hazy, I can't concentrate, my heartbeat is fast and I make a lot of mistake in solving maths problems.
What the fuck?

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