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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8599133 [View]
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>killing everyone within 100 miles of its impact point.


>> No.6396685 [View]
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>Add numbers together, each larger than the previous
>Positive numbers
>Results take a u-turn and supposedly converge on a negative value

I've seen other proofs for this I can't remember but just... dude. Why?

>> No.5689399 [View]
File: 16 KB, 320x240, Fry questioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statistics question, friends.
I need to find the equation of the regression line. The average of Y is 552.1 with a standard deviation of 158.8, and the average of X is 508.5 with a standard deviation of 190.5.
Mostly I just forgot how to calculate the correlation coefficient.
Also I have no n value or anything beyond the above numbers.
Also thank you.

>> No.5666989 [View]
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I dual majored in Math+CS and it wasn't hard at all, I needed only a few extra courses for it.
>mfw degree elitism

>> No.5336003 [View]
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Statistics question, I'm brain dead and nothing is coming back to me.

Describe a strategy to randomly split 30 tomatoes into the three groups for a completely randomized single factor test of a fertilizer.

>> No.4767534 [View]
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>diamond are hardest metal
>hardest metal

No, you measure force in Jewels. Like the singer.

mfw carbon is a metal...

>> No.4418837 [View]
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refer to my newest post.

>> No.4249809 [View]
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>> No.4027241 [View]
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Why you do dis?

>> No.3776838 [View]
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How would /sci/ respond to a situation like that?

>> No.3711085 [View]
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Hey /sci/ i`m studying physics and I`m having a hard time. The logic is all understandable in class, but I`m having trouble knowing what to do and where to start in general when I`m doing problems by my self, is it all about the formulas?
Can someone who`s pro at physics try and relate to this and tell me how I should study in order to get an understanding of the subject.

Any good tips for a physics n00b?

>> No.3699086 [View]
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the fuck is wrong with yall?

>> No.3672059 [View]
File: 16 KB, 320x240, EH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe is huge and if there is anything out there we will never meet it and even if we could we probably shouldnt.


>> No.3641664 [View]
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>> No.3615468 [View]
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How the fuck can Hawking radiation happen when nothing can escape a black hole?

>> No.3477414 [View]
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CCD, Caused by malnutrition by feeding em basically sugar water => their immune systems were crap and they were dying from simple shit. The solution is feeding them with a more nutritious food.

>> No.3444226 [View]
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sup /sci/
Im thinking about going to college for a degree in Chemistry i was wondering
1) What would be a good college for me to look into
2) what types of things would i be learning if i was going to major in Chemistry?
3) Is majoring Chemistry even be a good idea? can chemistry majors vouch for job market/ salaries?

>> No.3372084 [View]
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>> No.3367558 [View]
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How is trying to learn as much as possible for the sake of trying to do all you can to help improve the future of mankind useless?! I can't believe someone would actually contest it!

>> No.3308857 [View]
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why not gifed?

>> No.3273931 [View]
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Who is the most retarded & austistic tripfag on /sci/?

>> No.3234674 [View]
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Hell, I don't even know what a bachelors is. My soon-to-be degree translates/corresponds to Master of Science in Applied Physics and Mathematics

>> No.3151169 [View]
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How does homosexuality differ from pedophilia, necrophilia and zoophilia both morally and biologically?
All of the above discourage a person from the only method of procreation in the biological sense, and are equally aberrant from the natural order.
Why do we deem the former to be acceptable yet the rest are somehow immoral?

>> No.2974957 [View]
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Fellow sciencefags,

Lately a question has been plaguing my mind. How is it possible for us to BE? Why is the universe the way it is, able to cradle life? So many things must be just right in physics and biology. I read a book a few months ago that puts forward three theories: the universe was designed this way, there are endless parallel universes, or our own universe has different physical laws in different places. What does /sci/ think about this?

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