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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6445303 [View]
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>tfw somebody fucked her and it wasn't you

>> No.4928118 [View]
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>you will never go to space

>> No.4605375 [View]
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>tfw we drew the short straw in the lottery of life

You're not alone bro.

>> No.4545337 [View]
File: 7 KB, 228x221, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I will never have 7 back to back papers in JACS


>> No.4476220 [View]
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studying to be a scientist

parents asking what's the point to explore space in every new about it on the tv

just kill me now

>> No.4463045 [View]
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Ridley Scott told the Hollywood Reporter, "NASA and the Vatican agree that [it is] almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today without there being a little help along the way... That’s what we’re looking at (in the film), at some of Erich von Däniken’s ideas of how did we humans come about."[1] Scott's prequel, which originally went through several drafts, featured a female lead character''

Ridley Scott confirmed for retard

>> No.4342876 [View]
File: 7 KB, 228x221, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when bachelors in economics
>that feel when went back and took a few math and science courses and loved it got straight A's
>that feel when can't pursue science because of money

i ruined my life, /sci/

>> No.4209479 [View]
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anyone ever go back for a 2nd bachelors in something science/math related?

i would love to but really don't think i can justify the cost. especially if after getting it my only options are going for a phd or being a science teacher. ;_;

>that feel when you will never have enough time to learn about the universe

>> No.4164950 [View]
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I thought he meant some sort of qualitative knowledge of nuclear phenomena is needed before getting into the mathematical details of QM

>> No.4093165 [View]
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Guys... I think I'm giving in.

I think I'm going to be an engineer.

>> No.4024530 [View]
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Why do we hold medieval physicists and mathematicians in such high regard when they discovered stuff we know learn in high school? Aren't current discoveries in those fields much more complex (and therefore worthy of more praise)?

>> No.3836045 [View]
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>> No.3698590 [View]
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>Be moderately intelligent; Not stupid, but certainly no Blaise Pascal.
>From a young age, the people around me think I'm brilliant and will go on to do great things
>Graduate with a 1.5 GPA in highschool
>Bottom 40 of class
>Can't do math for shit despite good reasoning and logic skills.
>About to turn 21 and still bussing tables at a shitty restaurant

>> No.3690865 [View]
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>you will never be that child, growing up in a time where space exploration is in full action

>> No.3289106 [View]
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>20 years old straight male with a gf
>do well in technical classes
>love nature way more than technology
>barely any stereotypical features of any clique.
>no interests in computers, cars, celebrities
>deletes songs from playlist because they're oldies and try to listen to new ones
>realize they all suck
>classical music bring tears to my eyes. always.
>mfw when i realize i will never fit in anywhere

>> No.3090944 [View]
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1 or 1634

>> No.3013426 [View]
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>You will never merge your consciousness with a hyper AI

>> No.2898393 [View]
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I would like to add that there is no means to travel faster then or even at the speed of light- without solid matter destabilizing.

Having said that, interstellar travel is impossible, I don't care how advanced you are, it ain't happening. Its not possible. You will be stuck in this system for eternity.

>> No.2772139 [View]
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Carl Sagan never saw the internet

>> No.2607125 [View]
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>undergrad EE thinking of doing ms in either EE or physics
>Go to physics department in school to look for research programs to get an idea of physics programs
>find fucking awesome program pertaining to bose-einstein condensates at another school
>contact program at that university and find out they lost funding
>just heard the biomedical engineering department in my school just threw away computers from 4 years ago to get two labs worth of brand new computers


>> No.2600520 [View]
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You will never live an adventurous life like feynman ;_;

>> No.2586322 [View]
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You will never walk on the moon.

>> No.2518884 [View]
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you will never understand why people study what they dont "need" to

>> No.2502440 [View]
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you will never know the economic boom the US had in the 19th century, or the one Hong Kong had after it's independance

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