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>> No.11733757 [View]
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>>11733751 Continued
Plants have a symbiotic relationship with the environment and the wildlife that lives in that environment and every attempt to subvert this ends in collapse. When a healthy plant requires a specific mineral, it injects carbon into the soil through its roots. This stimulates the bacteria, fungus and microbes in the soil to reproduce and accumulate the specific mineral the plant has requested. Their life cycle is short and the plant is able to feed on their remains. This mechanism does a few things:

a: Sequesters carbon, increasing fertility year on year.
2: Create flood proof soil that does not erode, compact or repel water, again increasing fertility year on year.
D: Create an ecosystem requiring very little human input, which increases fertility year on year.
123374: Produce vigourous plants that have their own passive and active immunity to pests and disease.
Z: Produce food that can be classed as medicine, due to the increased levels of secondary metabolites.

Pic related is the state of the art. The key to understanding this is the chemicals listed at the bottom of the pyramid are "manufactured" by fungus & bacteria on demand and delivered in the nonoxidised form the plant prefers, at the exact time the plant needs it. Every other way of feeding a plant involves guesswork, labor and money. Conversely, when you spend money on fertilizer, you sterilize your soil and develop nutritionally deficient crops that are prone to disease and dependent on the grower for irrigation. This is the science behind what the permaculture hippies have known for decades. Take care of the soil and the soil takes care of you. INB4 organic strawmen. KYS and get a clue.

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