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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3817116 [View]
File: 9 KB, 194x160, ragefacetearing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it really is fucking laughable.
All of the normal superstitious magical bullshit that's endemic to all religions aside, mormons are STILL so unbelievably full of shit that it boggles the mind.

They sincerely believe that a bunch of jews got in a magic submarine five hundred years before christ and colonized the americas, forming vast city-state kingdoms and waging epic wars with iron working and horses, before wiping themselves out and leaving those fucking golden plates for J. Smith to discover on the east coast... but fuck, that's a whole other story itself.
The south park episode handles that pretty well.

Anyways, their fucking book contradicts the most BASIC facts of history, archaeology, genetics... even GEOGRAPHY. It is fucking ASTOUNDING that any of them can make it through fucking MIDDLE SCHOOL with their faith intact, let alone fucking university.
>Of course, they manage that because they've got their very own, church-run university to go to and receive an "education" from.
>I swear on my mother's grave, professors at BYU open fucking physics classes with prayers.
How the fuck can any educated person believe this nonsense?

It is SUCH an ignorant fucking fabrication. Some stupid fucking 19th century farm boy/con-man (convicted con-man, mind you) made up a ridiculous story that flagrantly contradicts every single pertinent fact, and somehow two hundred years later thirteen million people believe it with all their hearts and minds.

>> No.3751513 [View]
File: 9 KB, 194x160, friend314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god can you just give a fucking answer?
With shit like the sun in a collision with earth and trying to hide ON EARTH is one thing to ridicule
But can you look beyond the rational for a split second to think about it?
Can this be worded in a way that won't have /sci/ screaming "NOPENOPENOPE I CAN'T INTO IMAGINARY SITUATIONS"?

Fuck, you are somehow, some way in a realm of pitch blackness with absolutely nothing around you but yourself

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