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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3161554 [View]
File: 316 KB, 325x456, 1291409011282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the trip fag
>trip fag
>addressing the tripcode

Oh boy the newfriend is a summerfriend, I guess we know why he whiteknights so much to try to get E-poontang.

>> No.2848608 [View]
File: 316 KB, 325x456, 1302123264148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how do YOU figure it, oh Smart Chancellor of the World?

>> No.2511083 [View]
File: 316 KB, 325x456, 1296099605019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2245731 [View]
File: 316 KB, 325x456, 1290910077693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2137985 [View]
File: 316 KB, 325x456, 1290910077693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine. A transhuman builds his own relativistic ship.

But even the attitude jets of the space shuttle are visible from the fucking asteroid belt, and a solar sail would throw quite a bit of reflection.

That being said, a ship on a mysterious, ever-accelerating Brachistochrone is going to raise some eyebrows, and you bet your transhumanist ass that if someone build a ship with X gravities than someone can top that, catch up and see what the fuck they are doing.


>Elizier Yudowsky
>to be taken seriously

Also, do you think only computers can become posthuman? You think it's easy to go from dumb matter to AI to posthuman AI in a single step?

Jesus fuck, it's much easier to grab an existing human and progressively augment e until e has become a posthuman. I thought this was common sense.

>> No.2118799 [View]
File: 316 KB, 325x456, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day, /sci/. I'm new to your board but I come with the hopes to having an objective opinions given in regards to this inquiry. The question being simple;

When on earth did Racism become looked upon as acceptable in any form?

The internet and 4chan in particular seem to make light of the matter, regularly spurting hurtful terms such as the N word at one another, often stripped entirely of their original context, or used in context as a means of being hateful.

Now, when did it come to this point? When I ask this form of question on /v/ or something they simply tell me to deal with it, often calling me an N word myself for the sake of some sort of cruel humor or whatever they think is funny.

I feel that in spite of common jokes there are a good number of minorities that utilize the internet, and as such it is still an environment in which racial things can cause hurt to others, something that simply should not be in my eyes.

No matter what the medium, I have yet to see anyone provide an unbiased justification as to this phenomenon, or in some cases their own racist tendencies.

I've barely touched the tip of the ice berg in terms of my thoughts upon the entire matter but this is a simplified version for the sake of not boring you all.

So what do you think happened? Why are people such insensitive bastards?

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