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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6460238 [View]
File: 552 KB, 621x395, tropa[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be br
>police arrests 5 potheads in a federal uni
>uni is confirmed for a place full of potheads and where theft and even rape go unnoticed because "MUH OPRESSION FROM TEH POLICE!!!ELEVEN!!!"
>potheads get mad
>flip 2 federal police cars
>shock troops kick butts
>they invade the rectory and plaster pro-weed shit all over the place
>remove the flag and get charged with "Crime against the Brazilian nation"
>police openly saying they want to rek shit and end with the crimes and drugs in the uni but "muh autarky and uh opresion!!elven" hold them out
>everyone wants to rek potheads
>rector has brain cancer and can't chew a gum and walk forward at the same time
>based STEM students go on a counter protests make the rector promise to get a police base in there, fly the flag, allow the media to accompany them and invade the invaded rectory and don't leave until we clean the place
So why aren't you a engineer yet /sci/?
>muh math dime in a dozen making 120000000000k$/s

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