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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6134945 [View]
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Does quantum mechanics have random properties because they actually are random, or is it because we don't understand how they work yet?

>> No.5803877 [View]
File: 36 KB, 380x304, quantum-image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /sci/
got a problem that id like some help with, I've got an exam on Wednesday for my a levels and haven't been taught the stuff on quantum physics correctly any chance some of you could explain quantum physics to me any help would be much appreciated

>> No.5650668 [View]
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Science can't change the state of an entangled particle, apparently, but only messure it. Now, considering faster than light communication, could you somehow see if the entangled counterpart of an object is measured at a different place?

I mean, if you can't transmit a state of your choosing, but you somehow were able to see if a particle out of many has been measured elsewhere, doesn't matter it's actual state, wouldn't this be faster than light communication already?

>> No.5630805 [View]
File: 36 KB, 380x304, quantum-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wersja dla moich rodaków:
1.prawa fizyki rządzące rzeczywistością w której żyjemy, są jedynymi możliwymi
prawami fizyki. nie może istnieć rzeczywistość, w której istniały by inne zasady
fizki. Sa one zdeterminowane logicznie, 1+1 nie może równać się niczemu innemu
niż dokładnie 2.
2.otaczająca nas rzeczywistość jest kwantowa, czyli nieliniowa, kwanty znajdują
się obok siebie. wartości pomiędzy nimi nie istnieją, bo nie mogą.
3. człowiek ma wolną wolę. jest ona zdeterminowana do pewnego stopnia, jednak
nie całkowicie
istnieje skończona liczba możliwych scenariuszy rzeczywistości.

=> jeśli 1. jest nieprawdziwe, to istnieje nieskończona liczba możliwywych
rzeczywistości, w których wszechświat nie podlega znanym nam prawom fizyki,
liczba scenariuszy we wszechświatach (rzeczywistościach) gdzie panują
znane nam prawa fizyki, jest podzbiorem wszestkich możliwości, jednak w dalszym
ciągu jest zbiorem skończonym.

dowód dla konkluzji: najprostszy przykład: ruch ręką: można ruszyć w lewo i w prawo,
w górę i w dół. Można ruszyć nią w dowolnm kierunku w 360 stopniach. Jeśli podzielić
każdy stopień na pól, mamy już 720 możliwości. Jeśli możemy dzielić w niskończoność,
mamy nieskoczoną liczbę możliwości ruchu ręką. Jednak zakładając 1. nie możemy
dzielić w nieskończoność w tym przypadku. Dlatego istnieje skończona liczba możliwości.
odnosi się to do każdej innej sytuacji.

w moim rozumowaniu mógł wystąpić błąd związany z interpretacją zasad fizyki
kwantowej. Tak, czy inaczej, staram się doszukać błędów i pomyłek w moim toku
rozumowania, tak jak w każdej teorii, którą tworzę (de facto z informacji dostarczonych
mi przez rzeczywistość), aby dojść do teorii najbliższej prawdzie. W tej teorii
zakładamy, że 1. 2. i 3. są prawdziwe na potrzeby teorii.

>> No.5576699 [View]
File: 36 KB, 380x304, quantum-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum theory purports that observing a system will cause changes to that system. This means that Quantum Scientists actually believe that there is something special about human consciousness that causes such a change. This goes against my every intuition. Explain, /sci/?

>> No.4998990 [View]
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/sci/ fags. I have questions. I just can't wrap my head around this.. How the hell can a quantum particle exist and not exist at the same exact time? How do we observe particles that theoretically don't exist while being observed???

>> No.4987410 [View]
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Is quantum mechanics in favour of an infinite universe or...?

What are some important findings it has made that can be communicated to a beginner?

What is its significance/importance?

>> No.4763573 [View]
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Hey /sci/

Can anyone please help me with a derivation?
I'm reading 'Introduction to elementary particles' by D.J Griffiths (link to e-book below).

It's about quantum electrodynamics and I keep getting stuck at the derivation of a single constraint.

The derivation basically starts with section 7.4 and I get all of it up to equation 7.89. However, I simply cannot derive the constraint in eq. 7.90.

Is there anyone who does understand how this can be derived? Are there any other books on this subject that I should read?

URL : http://books.google.nl/books?id=w9Dz56myXm8C&pg=PA240&lpg=PA240&dq=introduction+to+elect

>> No.4360248 [View]
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>>It [wavefunction collapse] is one of two processes by which quantum systems evolve in time, according to the laws of quantum mechanics as presented by John von Neumann.

What is the other process by which quantum systems evolve in time?

>> No.4296351 [View]
File: 36 KB, 380x304, Quantum-physics-736895[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone could tutor / help me study for my physics exam tommorow that would be great just drop your skype in the thread i dont really have much to offer besides l4d1 on steam

>> No.4013891 [View]
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Does anyone on /sci/ have any really good resources for understanding quantum physics?

I have a test coming up, on the schrodinger eq., formalism, and 3D quantum.

>> No.3846540 [View]
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I'm looking to teach myself advanced physics and a number of other things:

College Physics
Experimental Physics
Antenna Theory
Feyman Lectures
Modern Physics
String Theory
Quantum Mechanics
Dirac Equation
Quantum Theory
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum Chromodynamics
Path Integral
Gravitation/Gauge Fields
Nuclear Physics
General Relativity
State of Matter
Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Physics
Wave Motion

...and some math topics, including:
Advanced Algebra
Riemannian Geometry
Riemann Hypothesis
Navier-Strokes Equations
The Poincare Conjection
Anything else I would need to learn.

Can anyone tell me where to start, and give me some great books for self-learning? I've got nothing to do with my time, so I'd love to start studying this stuff and get a better grasp of things.


>> No.3585479 [View]
File: 36 KB, 380x304, Stuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum mechanics, where to start?
What books to buy?

>> No.3386346 [View]
File: 36 KB, 380x304, quantum-image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum mechanics noob here. So if the measurement problem suggests that observing micro particles can influence their behaviour, since our universe and reality is formed by these particles, could it be possible that our minds, when observing, these particles, could be influencing macro particles, through these micro particles, and thus influencing 'reality'?

This leads me to speculate that my mind could really be influencing the reality I see around me, not the other way around. Or that everything is really an illusion, or something.

Feel free to intellectually bitchslap my ignorant ass.

>> No.3056713 [View]
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I'll just leave this here.

>> No.2967604 [View]
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What is your preffered interpretation of quantum mechanics /sci/ ?

Mine is Bohmian mechanics. Realism fucks locality.

Also, are there any non-local realist interpretations worth considering besides BM?

>> No.2866867 [View]
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Prove you exist /sci/

>> No.2707724 [View]
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Try to explain to me what a viewer of the 4th dimension would see.

inb4 indescribable/incomprehensible to a 3 dimensional being.

also, if a 4 dimensional being existed, it would be god to us.

>> No.2701896 [View]
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Is quantum mechanics taught in American high schools?

>> No.2230426 [View]
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Even so, the mechanical objects on each system that is linked to the spatial reference system already at least a city on the state of the country, building independent refers to has become a member of one of the tangle of setting Yoriko Tsu Please. Quantum please. An object with features such as shoes or complete.

>> No.2192953 [View]
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Help me out /sci/, is this a valid set of quantum numbers?

<span class="math">n=0[/spoiler]
<span class="math">l=0[/spoiler]
<span class="math">ml=o[/spoiler]
<span class="math">ms=-1/2[/spoiler]

>> No.2160275 [View]
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Is the first electron energy level for all elements the same value?

>> No.1745959 [View]
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Hey guys, can someone summarize the quantum physics real quick, I'm gonna apply to nasa tomorrow.

>> No.1577082 [View]
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What are the practical applications of Quantum Mechanics?

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