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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14958550 [View]
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You don't actually Science, do you?

>You don't need astronomers to make CGI for a music video
But you need CGI to justify paying astronomers.

>People say they are happy when taxes are used for science.
But they aren't doing Science.
They're just fucking off with the money while acting like childish 12 year olds, and have a unhinged meltdowns when people call out their bullshit.
It's literally impossible to even have a conversation with you people, because you know that we know that you're full of shit, and the best you can do is say:
>well at least it's not going to niggers/israel/ukraine!
>just worry about yourself, why do you care?!!
which eventually always leads to:
>lol, stay mad chuds!

Paying a company $Billions to sell you a camera so you can slap a NASA sticker on it =/= "developing astronomy technology".

>There are some uses. I work for a certain military program that uses UCAC4 to simulate certain optical things.
Knowing the West, you probably just digitally stalk/harass various Western political dissidents, and call it "Simulations Optics".

Just post Flat Earth propaganda if you're going to post memes

>> No.14882737 [View]
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>Hats off to the scammers who pull off this type of shit.
Yup, it truly is magical watching unelected, unaccountable, unhinged schizos who wildly abuse any positions of authority they allocate themselves, and seem to be doing a good job subverting public/private administrative positions and helping foreign-infiltrators/domestic-traitors to rape, loot, destroy, oppress, enslave, and genocide White people in our homelands.

Thanks for reminding us why we should always be sure to """Trust the Experts"""".
Intelligent, respectable, agreeable, clever, funny, creative, athletic, kind, forgiving, patient, genuine, humble, optimistic, fair, resourceful; truly they are Gods among us mere mortals.
I mean, let's just ignore the fact that a lot of *our* people can't even afford to exist in anything more luxurious than a broom closet- which isn't that big of a problem, considering the only people who can afford to keep the lights on in anything bigger than a 1BR apartment, are walking around with a Top Hot, Jeweled Cane, and a Gilded Monocle.

>Don't worry about not being able to afford a place to live
>Don't start calculating how many back-alley, deep-tissue-massages you have to give to be able to afford to charge your Government-provided phone;
>A Phone which they mandate you keep on your person and charged at all times.
>Even though the Public has spent Hundreds-of-$Billions
Even though all they have to show for it is:
>By the end of this decade, we'll maybe possibly be '~1-3 Weeks away', depending on whether our data determines Nuclear Fusion to be truly feasible, or if it's even possible at all
>Even they've spent the past century trying to oppress, harass, and sabotage other projects involving Clean, Renewable Energy that could be considered "competition" and a "threat" to their "just prank bro" that has grown well, well, well beyond the size/authority/resources they currently enjoy.

>> No.14881380 [View]
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>The theory was a higgs boson would decay into 2 photons and then some other particles I don't remember.
They can't even ""measure"" photons, and yet they're measuring the absolute, fundamental smallest ""particles"" in the universe?

>I know some people working on the project and I would bet it's confirmation bias. Their entire careers were in the project, 5+ years of work. They were psychologically primed to want to see something when nothing was really there.
That's what's funny about it. You wouldn't even necessarily have to be ""aware and in"" on the "Lies & Deception"; if you're a scientist crunching data, you could be getting completely falsified/fictitious data for all you know.

>> No.14874399 [View]
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Hey, this OP is alright.

>> No.14823375 [View]
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>I mean I know you're full of shit cause I've physically seen, and machined hardware for NASA personally;
They're not going up, they're going down.
It's why their equipment is designed for aquatic environments.
They have deep sea, private luxury resorts sponsored with public funds.

>> No.14809405 [View]
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I hate neo-luddites so much

>> No.14807054 [View]
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Because the Government is the most expensive GF in the world.
The worst kind too.
No sex, but constantly getting fucked.

>> No.14806356 [View]
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>It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point
For me, it's the "Well why don't you come up with better Theories/Models then? No, not like that, that would completely invalidate my Thesis I worked so hard on!"

>Definitely something that is worth looking into further.
It sounds like it's just some Psychopaths doing Medical Experimentations and other Manmade Horrors Beyond My Comprehension.

>> No.14806124 [View]
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>Uh oh, some people are getting suspicious...
>It's ok, just call them anti-Science, low-IQ, uneducated, hicks!

>> No.14805858 [View]
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>The field of longevity research and transhumanism in general is part of the satanic-gnostic effort to collapse the distinction between heaven and earth, i.e. build a "heaven" (actually hell) on earth.
Well, I suppose that's your intepretation.
I was going to say it's more like a cult of grifters and scam-artists that lie and cheat to steal $Trillions from Public Funds and Private Investors.

>> No.14795050 [View]
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Does anyone else think it's weird that the Space shills are extremely similar to the /biz/ shills?

>> No.14782607 [View]
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>Arbitrary bullshit for the popsci casuals.
They literally ARE the reason for popsci casuals.
It's crazy how they act like pompous jackasses about how they lie and cheat the public out of $Billions.
Like, could you not just take the $Billions without being a smug dick about it?
Could you not just actually do something scientific with that money?

What is their problem?

>> No.14763986 [DELETED]  [View]
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That is quite an expensive "meme"

>> No.14763920 [DELETED]  [View]
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Midwits on damage control.

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