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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12652445 [View]
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>Other what?
>No, it's not. The physical subsumes the mental.
Both are subsumed by process. This conflation is entirely arbitrary. It does nothing, there is no reason behind it. So long as the body exists, it's mental.
>The fundamental concepts are activity and process. … The notion of self-sufficient isolation is not exemplified in modern physics. There are no essentially self-contained activities within limited regions. … Nature is a theatre for the interrelations of activities. All things change, the activities and their interrelations. … In the place of the procession of [spatial] forms (of externally related bits of matter, modern physics) has substituted the notion of the forms of process. It has thus swept away space and matter, and has substituted the study of the internal relations within a complex state of activity. (Whitehead)
Where as the presupposition of a classic ontology, unsuited to our scientific position, is an entirely false notion in itself. It's well proven itself to be left behind.
>"In fact, science conceived as restricting itself to the sensationalist methodology can find neither efficient nor final causality. It can find no creativity in Nature; it finds mere rules of succession” ... “The reason for this blindness lies in the fact that such science only deals with half of the evidence provided by human experience”
The significant contributions and invaluable role provided by Processism has already solidified it's place in the sciences.
>QM has nothing to do with mental states or free will
>In 1931, Nobel prize-winning physicist Compton championed the idea of human freedom based on quantum uncertainty and invented the notion of amplification of microscopic quantum events to bring chance into the macroscopic world.

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