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>> No.15933370 [View]
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>Julian Silvermans paper Shamanism and Acute Schizophrenia.
No one should be completely deluded into thinking autistic people are superhuman shamans or anything like that, thats not what this paper is about nor do I think anyone here would believe that. This paper does however paralel the behaviours of schizophrenics to shamanistic behaviours in stating that mental illness is the way that it is in large part due to how we view it, and it is relevant in the case of Autism as Autism used to be considered largely (And still to some degree today) a manifestation of psychosis much like schizophrenia, these considerations I give to you if you're curious at all of the more anthropological side of things.

>Karen Horney
I don't agree with a lot of her psychology stemming from freudianism but her work on self analysis is an important question to ask, the degree to which self analysis can be achieved is something that is relative to the individual but detrimental to the functioning of the autist.
See: Self Analysis, Our Inner Conflicts.

>Terence Mckenna
I mainly cite him and his work in the book Food of the Gods, I think this is relevent to the extent you can rely on pharmacology and external agents to achieve a degree of stability but not to the point where you are so dependant on these substances that you cannot function without them.

I do acknowledge that none of these sources directly pertain to autism, my point in citing them is to state that you will never get a full perspective of what we consider mental illness from any one source (Acknowledging that autism is treated like a mental illness, although some people might delineate the two) be it parenting guide of psychology as a whole. So shop around, explore and experiment. The individual autist is still a living breathing person meaning you can never find a description of them in the cold death of jargon, you have to be proactive in educating them.

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