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>> No.14979922 [View]
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Anyine that thinks /pol/ is an echo chamber does not browse it. There are more "contentious" opinions and positions to be sure, but as a whole it is incredibly diverse. e.g. there is /chug/ and /uhg/, pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine war generals.
You have /tcg/, Tucker generals, despite much of the board considering him a kike controlled opposition puppet. You have /nsg/ - National Socialist General every Sunday, yet there's also some that think Hitler was a Jewish puppet who put the Jews in comfy camps while he took Europeans to war and ultimately established Israel. There's regularly debates on abortion, gay rights, democracy, fascism, marxism etc., where you see many sides. Yes as a whole the board has tended to converge towards certain positions (e.g. anti-liberalism, acknowledgement of the Jewish Question etc.), but that's the nature of a forum that encourages debate: shitty arguments without good reasoning and evidence get rejected whilst good arguments with strong supporting evidence are adopted.
Can anyone point to a less echo-chamber-y political forum than /pol/? r/politics? r/LateStageCapitalism? Twitter?

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