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>> No.10317549 [View]
File: 73 KB, 768x515, Tiananmen Square Massacre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10317510 >>10317528 >>10317540 >>10317519 >>10317499 >>10317490

China is a capitalist dictatorship.
Capitalist but still a Orwellian Dystopia.

In China you can be arrested for life for:
1. Criticizing the the corrupt Government
2. Calling out the genocide of minorities in China (Muslim Uyghurs and Tibetan Buddhist)
3. Mentioning banned words on internet such as: "Democracy" or "Free Speech" (yes they are banned)
4. Divulgating the brutal "Tiananmen Square Massacre" when Chinese Militaries opened gunfire against protesting civilians.


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