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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10712760 [View]
File: 26 KB, 590x350, 1554403315519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's the n-th climate change denialist from a clueless /pol/ tourist. What a greatly insightful and original thread this is.

>> No.10638282 [View]
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Unlike weapons development, whose aim is clearly political and limited to the needs of the state, blank statements on arbitrarily defined groups of people have radical consequences in their livelihood as a human. The constraint isn't so much the scientific constraints but the ethical and moral consequences from rushing to incomplete and erroneous statements on people's own humanity. Think of the way 20th century mental scientists rushed to lobotomies, electroshock etc as "treatment" and not only did they have no effect, did do irreversible damage on people.

Pretending that 1) human intelligence is understood and well defined (it isn't) 2) that is entirely genetic (also incorrect) 3) that a single dimensional measure accurately captures its complexity (an insult to actual human achievement) and 4) that we should implement societal policies based on 1-3 is absolutely reckless and misinformed. Not only will you be drastically affecting the livelihood of millions of people (through hierarchy snowflake pandering) you will be disinfrachising entire generations to come. If we can barely make basic research on human tissues without major ethical struggle, imagine making some grandiose statement about how a human's life ought to be valued and treated upon nothing more than a blank DNA sequence (protip only until recently did we even start to realize how DNA expression changes over time). It's not science, it's not research and it's certainly not "natural truth"--any idea to the contrary is nothing more than a political pretext to push racial hierchy agendas.

Again, if anyone actually cares about this issue, start at 1) above and realize we are not even close to understand what truly constitutes human intelligence and how to characterize it, let alone pretend like 4) is in any way logical, objective or moral beyond some personally convenient, id politics motivated ""'ideology""'.

>> No.10522036 [View]
File: 26 KB, 590x350, white-stork-629143 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The results are so much more detrimental than something as retarded as immediate comfort.

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