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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9936152 [View]
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>CS/Math undergrad
>at behest of an EE friend asked an EE professor for research
>said he needed someone who had a great understanding of theory but also a good understanding of application
>get experience under that and some lab research
>get an internship at a good place for CS
>Focus on classes about OS design and theory, architecture, embedded work, circuit analysis, compiler design and theory
>hell took a computational complexity class which featured circuit complexity for fun (usually irrelevant to low level implementation, but it's a kickass topic and anyone who shits on CS as a field should be humbled after complexity classes)
>take pure math as a double major, so I have a lot of theoretical basis in real analysis, combinatorics, abstract algebra, etc.
>take physics classes whenever I can
>applied for embedded work after college with stuff on my resume for small controllers, pi's, and small driver I made alongside my other stuff
>get a gig at a fairly cool local place, decent salary
>work for 2 years
>self study the physics I didn't get to take in school for physics GRE (mostly stat mechanics, advanced mechanics)
>self study some signal processing
>take GRE and math + physics subject tests
>do well on them (< 91%, <92% math, <86% physics)
>get letters of recommendations from professors I kept in touch with and current employers who really like some of my work
>get into a pretty great course based masters
>parallel computing, some embedded stuff, project working on distributed computation on small embedded systems I designed (funnily enough, CS was way more handy since the algorithms were harder than just designing the small stuff)
>companies love it since embedded work is usually state or control oriented, but now they can do low cost powerful distributed computation
>work for a big boy company and make big boy dollars

I think this worked mainly since most EE positions don’t ask for a PE license.

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