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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16262013 [View]
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by comparing past science output and past scientists to present ones

>> No.16227146 [View]
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>Those evil whites created civilization and invented everything good in the modern world, I wouldn't be alive today if whites hadn't invented modern medicine.
>Thats why I hate whites so much

>> No.16174264 [View]
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There were contemporary scientist of Einstein's who did far, far more important and useful work and nobody on this board has ever even heard of them because they weren't a kike

>> No.15976746 [View]
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And that overwhelming majority justifies their existence by awarding themselves credit for the actions of the vanishingly small minority who are legitimately productive. Even the guy in picrel had only one success in his career. All of his work after 1930 or so was just a big waste of time and resources

>> No.15943546 [View]
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>Bill Nye is a more influential scientists than some chump who publishes articles nobody ever reads in expensive soience journals
Thats because both of them are worthless morons, a scientists who has useful knowledge and abilities would have more clout than a media clown…oh wait, no he wouldn't nevermind

>> No.15925684 [DELETED]  [View]
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I don't see where Einstein's reputation as such a super genius even comes from, its not like he ever did anything of meaningful value to justify the reputation, he just published gay articles in soiyence magazines. There were scientists in his era that had major accomplishments that had real tangible benefits for humanity, picrel is a fine example, without him most of use reading this board would have died in childhood but the majority of the people reading this board can't even name the guy in the pic, so why is Einstein so famous?

>> No.15858300 [View]
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not when it comes to curing formerly deadly childhood diseases such as streptococcus related ones. the invention of antibiotics singlehandedly increased human life expectancies by about 3 decades mainly due to the reduction in childhood mortalities

>> No.15847863 [DELETED]  [View]
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lots of people died young before antibiotics were invented, antibiotics were probably the single most impactful medical invention of all time, a literal miracle drug

>> No.15766884 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.15759386 [DELETED]  [View]
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shes saying don't ever expect science to discover a cure for cancer

>> No.15676600 [View]
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>> No.15674338 [View]
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This averaged image should be weighted by the relative importance of the scientists involved in it, so people like Newton, Tesla and picrel aren't displaced by some midwit who discovered which genes determines the length of a frog's front legs

>> No.15637327 [View]
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>skyscrapers, airplanes,internet, spaceflight, landing a man on the moon
scientists had nothing to do with any of those, but they sure do like to claim credit for them
>modern medicine
flemming's work is his own, the entire rest of the gang of soience frauds produces toxic garbage like thalidomide and then credits themselves for the good work of one guy.
you know you're a lamer when you have take credit for other people's work due to having nothing of your own to be proud of

>> No.15628330 [View]
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>why is it that the media says that every major scientist/inventor is either a jew or born to a rich family?
who owns the media

>> No.15569359 [View]
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thats just more "scientific" eschatology
just another chicken little fairy tale like global warming and covid
penicillin is just as effective today as it was when it was invented nearly a century ago.

>> No.15557387 [View]
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I bet you only know few of them. And you probably actually read none of them.
Maybe a century later scientists who work today will be taught in schools to children like you. Not what they wrote, but how they looked. Not that it is a useful information, but it works in the sense that it gives you the illusion of knowledge, so you don't learn by yourself the way you yourself want to teach you, not the way they want you to be taught.

>> No.15554517 [View]
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>if hospitals ceased to exist 90% of humans would die
medical error is the leading cause of death, if hospitals ceased to exist the life expectancy would stop decreasing. antibiotics is the sole reason most people now survive childhood and live long adult lives

>> No.15553331 [View]
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Asimov is the most overrated writer ever.

>> No.15547398 [View]
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>The scientific method was developed exclusively by Christians and exclusively for Christians, others cannot do real science

>> No.15522425 [View]
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the invention of antibiotics is why death during childhood became uncommon, mass produced toasters had nothing to do with it.

>> No.15488846 [DELETED]  [View]
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unfortunate, but definitely true. science was on the march 100 years ago, valuable discoveries were practically a daily occurrence.
thats no longer the case, instead discoveries of fraud are now what happens regularly

>> No.15467137 [View]
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doctors are idiots
scientists are idiots
we're not living in the 1920s anymore
back then doctors and scientists were not idiots
they've all been idiots since about 1970 or so

>> No.15461598 [View]
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There aren't any living scientists that accomplished anything of noteworthy value, so thats the best they can do.

>> No.15412870 [View]
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Eat oregano to kill viruses, altering the pH of your blood also helps, to kill bacteria, take antibiotics

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