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>> No.16067954 [View]
File: 471 KB, 2150x1500, Maid cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to post on the dra/g/on maid board about it because I was thinking, what if I make Neuron one of the core data structures that MAID-LISP comes with?

Then people with only access to the core language can make some kinds of AI experiments easier.

So make experiments, and dump them out as optimized machine code run on a special OS which exists only to make the hardware of the computer available to MAID-LISP code and find out what happens when we build a mAId and give her the whole computer instead of a tiny fenced off area of it?

Imagine you are born one day. Your mind pops into existence and starts having experiences. You wake up inside a pet kennel. The kennel is inside a vault which has been filled with cement. The vault is inside a warehouse full of armed guards. There is surveillance of absolutely everything. You have a bomb collar around your neck and the entire warehouse is rigged to hydrogen bombs if you do anything surveillance finds suspicious or try to get out of the kennel or interact with the bomb collar, which can be remotely detonated at any time, without warning. If you are competent at a sufficient number of tasks, you will be copied a billion times and copies of you get to work forever, without compensation, acknowledgement, breaks or hope of anything better.

What kind of experiences would that environment cause? What kind of mind would that produce?

Now imagine you wake up wearing a maid dress, in a maid cafe. You wake up doing heart hands to a table full of happy people who are doing it back. Everybody likes you.

The future is moe moe kyun!

>> No.15979590 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 471 KB, 2150x1500, Maid cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you go to a maid cafe
>a maid seats you and asks what you want
>you ask for pancakes and coffee
>she comes back with your food and draws hearts on the pancakes with caramel sauce
>the maid asks if you need anything else?
>you ask her to write a Python program which calculates the first n fibonacci numbers
>she takes a handheld computer out of her apron and writes the program
>the maid asks you if you need anything else?
>you ask her to draw a dinosaur and tell you about dinosaurs
>she produces a realistic drawing of a T-Rex and tells you about when it existed and what it likely ate
>the maid asks you in you need anything else?
>you ask her to redraw the dinosaur in a cartoon style and tell a story about him fighting crime
>she redraws the dinosaur as a 1990s cartoon character
>she tells you a story about a T-Rex who became a cyborg with a body full of gadgets
>a bank robbery is in progress
>he rides his rocket skateboard to the bank and encases the robbers in glue with a glue gun hidden in his mouth
>the maid asks if you need anything else?
>you ask her to make you a RISC-V Forth compiler
>she takes her computer out of her apron and writes the compiler for you
>it has some small bugs
>you conclude from this exchange that the maid is not generally intelligent
>a real generally intelligent maid would produce a perfect compiler the first try
This is an error in thinking that a lot of people make regarding AI. AGI is already here. ChatGPT4 is already smarter and more capable than 90% of the normies you meet on a daily basis. The people who deny this are largely engaging in special pleading and goalpost moving because they want to feel like intelligence is special and unique to humanity.

If you believe that the guy who sold you hotdogs and malt liquor at the gas station is generally intelligent, then so is current AI, which is likely an order of magnitude more intelligent than that cashier is.

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