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>> No.8900586 [View]
File: 27 KB, 1112x600, FB_IMG_1491358782298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you start to gain a few pounds, which should be after a month or so, keep eating.

All this time you should be working out. You sound like quite possibly the weakest male I've personally met, so my guest is literally anything could help.

Find the heaviest thing you can pick up (struggling), and keep picking it up. Once a day, twice a day, keep doing it until you are able to do it with ease. Then start doing planks, or a pushup on your knees if you can. Then, start to build that number, as well as basic shit like sit-ups and airsquats.

If you can manage to even get to the point where you can do 10 regular pushups, youre ready for other shit, which can be found online in simple guides.

Do your best to not run/bike/swim/other cardio. At your weight, it would add extra calories to eat.

There are two things I should mention as well.

1. Sleep. If your not getting at least 6 hours a night your fucked. 7-8+ is best though. I get 9.

2. Some people on this fucking website are idiots so I'll mention it.

No fucking drugs. Not even normal cigarettes. No weed, not shit. Alcohol is fine though, its extra calories and slows metabolism.

If you're taking something for adhd or autism, that could be causing some of your issues, and you may find it harder than the average person.

If you live a normal, simple life, than eating 3500+ calories, sleeping 7+, and increasing your daily resistance training will work.

If you fuck it up, it will not work.

If you give up after only 2 weeks, it won't work.
If you dont eat 3500, it won't work.
If you only get 4 hours of sleep each night, it won't work
If you're a fucking stoner, it won't work.
If you do some other weird shit I'm not thinking about, it won't work.

If you dont fuck it up, and it still isn't working, go see a doctor.

>> No.8878633 [View]
File: 27 KB, 1112x600, FB_IMG_1491358782298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first assumption is that the bug died. It's quite possible he just got wasted.

The mold could simply be from the beer feeding whatever mold the bug brought in with it, it doesnt have to be from the bug rotting.

However, it is possible the bug is dead, and the movement is from the currents of the beer delivering whatever nutrients to the "muscles" of the bug, causing them to twitch. Far less likely IMO though.

>> No.8873946 [View]
File: 27 KB, 1112x600, 1493399080909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let a function meets all reuirements to have a taylor seies and a fourier series. Then is there a way to equate the two series and derive one from the other?

Inb4 local and global handwaving argument.

>> No.8867148 [View]
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