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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9287091 [View]
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>earth is round
>vaccine werks
No, sometimes they dont and sometimes they do, its a chemical reaction in the body after all and everyones body is different
>weve been to the moon
Cant be proven, might as well be American cold war propaganda, might as well not be, but there are no proven moonrock surface substances existing on earth on the astronauts boots
>climate change is real
What they mean by climate change is "hurr hwyte ppl make the earth go warm pls stop living your life" but its a cycle that just keeps reoccurring every ~50000 years of heat and ice ages
Oh and by the way all the earths microbes produce hundreds of times more carbon dioxide and methane than humans
>universe is expanding
Not proven just a popsci theory
>math is the Universal language
No its just a human language like English or German because no concept of math can be proven and all is based on axioms like 1+1=2 just like we define meaning to symbols in laguage, its just defined conventions that dont exist in the universe
>chemtrails arent a thing
You cant say that for sure unless youre one of the 76 chosen ones
>evolution is a fact
Well yeah it would explain why people who are more hairy / more body hair and flatter noses and look way closer like monkeys in general have a lower iq, higher aggression, and act more primitive
However if you say that and the scientific papers that prove that with genetic comparisons of negroids and monkeys to a person who says "hurr evolution is real" they instantly just call you a racist and say all humans are equal and try to repress the whole evolution
>we are all made of stardust
Not dust but actually just the protons that stars fuse to different atoms and spam around to the universe
>science is like magic but real
"What do you mean my magical anime girls arent real?"

Okay im done complaining about fucking normies with their retarded muh science, its been fun.

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