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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3435111 [View]
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These are good points. The second one in particular is well worth considering. Again, it's cognitive issues, modification of the brain to make it more human, that are going to cause the most problems here.

>> No.2187616 [View]
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Good call.

>> No.2149020 [View]
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Lol, /sci/, you guys are taking this argument too seriously.
Trolls on both sides are being trolled.
The truth is that all of the scientists picked the science they were interested in. Interests differ and, thus, science advances in all directions.
'Tis life.

>> No.2055532 [View]
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch I <3 Huckabees
>Realize there are no answers, so you just have to stop worrying about it

>That we are simply animals?
I know, right?

>> No.2019989 [View]
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Oh, beat me to it, lol.

Sage only because I just posted maybe a minute ago.

>> No.1990818 [View]
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome!

>> No.1984621 [View]
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Aww, you guys are so cute with your hardcore.

>> No.1974271 [View]
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Yes, I agree. Generalized to "as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others to be happy" and I think that we've got it.

>> No.1932361 [View]
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Mostly Flickr. That one in particular (and this one) is from Rob Lee. The fox actually died years ago, but it's probably my favorite photoset ever. Also, genetic engineering is OK. I'd rather be outside than in a lab, but it has it's place in ecology too. People have talked about using it as an invasive species control.


Yep. All true.

>> No.1827745 [View]
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Opps, forgot to say why...

Da Vinci: A great artist and thinker that was far ahead of his time. He never stopped learning, which I consider to be a virtue.

Mayr: Very important in the field of evolutionary biology and very under appreciated by people outside of the field. He balanced field work with theory, which is awesome. He is also the father of the biological species concept, which is key.

Hawking: Overcomes adversity to become perhaps the greatest physicist of the modern era. Quite impressive.

I also like Bekoff, but people think I'm crazy when I bring him up.

>> No.1806765 [View]
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I like this one.
This one is acceptable.

>> No.1673124 [View]
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/an/ - Animals and Nature

In other words, the board I hail from. It's a nice place. It certainly is <span class="math">not[/spoiler] PETA, which is a good thing.

(NOTE: It's good unless we're getting raided; we're too slow to withstand a raid)

>> No.1617813 [View]
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>my face when UT
>my face when this is on the zo server (only the cool professors still have stuff on that server)
>my face when it's Dr. Hillis' site
One day (hopefully next spring) I will take a class from this man.

Also, cool link, but I recommend backspacing until the URL ends with 'antisense' and then checking out the double helix ranch.

>> No.1562419 [View]
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This thread is now about foxes

>> No.1547179 [View]
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey, I didn't notice that.
Cool. I'm not alone anymore, /sci/!

>> No.1514601 [View]
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That's funny. I remember studying the gold nanoparticle thing for making transgenic organisms. It makes since that you could attach specific antibodies instead of DNA.

Sounds cool; hope it works.

(wasn't sure and had to look up the plant thing; turns out it may not have been gold like I remembered, but it's still nanoparticles: http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v2/n5/abs/nnano.2007.108.html )

>> No.1506452 [View]
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Awesome! Seems rather intuitive that the brain would show signs of making a decision before the self was aware of the decisions (since the self is brain activity), but AWESOME none the less!


>> No.1456457 [View]
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I shall obtain one. Maybe not right now, but soon.

>> No.1417606 [View]
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It could work if you have several million dollars lying around. I had to google, but the cost of eradicating screwworms alone in central America alone has been upwards of 200 million dollars (http://sanjose.usembassy.gov/screwwrm.html)...)... for just the one species.

I'm interested in this malaria fighter, though. If we even replace a portion of the population in affected areas, it could make a significant impact. I think cases of malaria per year is something like 300-500 million with 2-3 million deaths worldwide (http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/m/malaria/stats.htm).).

>> No.1341832 [View]
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Sweet; finally a good thread. Let's see... what have I learned recently?

Holometabolous insects are vastly more successful than Hemimetabolous insects because the larva of holometabolous insects (think "complete metamorphosis) typically consume an entirely different food source or live in an entirely different habitat than the adults (i.e. different generations do not compete with each other for resources).

The screw-worm parasite has been virtually eliminated from North America by means of male sterilization. However, this may have contributed to the current deer overpopulation in many areas.

Horseshoe crabs are more closely related to spider than to crabs.

The five stages of decay of an exposed carcass are fresh, bloating, active decay, advanced decay, and dry remains. A body that's been decaying for 1 week on land is approximately equivalent to a body that's been decaying for 2 weeks in water and 8 weeks underground (buried) assuming they're all at the same temperature.

...OK, that's enough for now.

>> No.1176130 [View]
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This, only with foxes and sleep deprivation instead of drugs = me

This message is meant as a warning... or invitation to join the fun.
I really don't know.

>> No.1150074 [View]
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Cichlids definitely have color vision:


...so I'd expect at least some other fish do, too.

You're welcome!

>> No.1082091 [View]
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It really seems to fluctuate.
Such is life, I suppose.

Right now, I'm HAPPY.

>> No.1013602 [View]
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>How do you describe/define heaven?

>How do you describe/define hell?
Not Foxes.

>How do you describe/define god?
A Fox.

(Basically, I don't feel like putting together a coherent response right now)

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