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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15117531 [View]
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>ask the intelligent people in healthcare
Follow the money.
There is more money in them giving you more bad shit and bad advice, than in telling you truth.

>> No.15102994 [View]
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>Gene editing therapy to "cure cancer" when actually the clotshot caused the cancer and they're just fucking you up even more with the "treatment"
feature? bug?

>> No.15038175 [View]
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Always do the opposite of what the modern "science" says, and especially what "doctors" say about health.
They want you sick and weak and dependent on them and government. Insurance is also one of their scam partnerts.
Government, Insurance, Big Pharma, Medical Industrial Complex.

>> No.15017118 [View]
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>real men die of high cholesterol and heart disease apparently
That is caused by sugar/carbs and seed oils and overprocessed and overcooked food.

Perhaps you should learn a little about nutrition from a non-government source. Government wants you sick and weak to have more control over you and make more profit, since government is owned by big medical complex.

>> No.14970567 [View]
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>it's not saturated fat that's is bad, people eating trash is bad, just don't eat this, it's not steak and eggs that's bad for you, it's cookies, icecream, french fries and all the processed shit they throw down your throats... processed food le bad.
Nails it.
Notice how the Jew-Government wants to sell you processed slop, and then says natural foods like butter, eggs, milk, and beef are bad.

They are LYING to you. Sickly people are dependent on the government and the medical system. That equals money, power, control.

>> No.14960146 [View]
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Orange juice is bad for you, since it is old an oxidized to shit once you get it, and it causes skin cancers, and diabetes.

Vitamin C is good for you. Notice how that study is by jews. They want you all unhealthy so they can make money off of your suffering. If you won't listen to them, they call you terrorists, anti-semite, insurractionists, etc. and want to kill you.

>> No.14957365 [View]
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>If you need supplements to reach your baseline nutrient needs, something is wrong with your diet.
meme is appropriate for this comment.

Notice how it is always the government and big pharma/medicine that spends billions each year trying to convince people not to take supplements.

>> No.14797047 [View]
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>baldcels happily spend money on treatments that don't work. if baldness became curable, they would stop being paypigs

THIS is correct, and applies to ALL medicine and medical-science related fields.

>> No.14741271 [View]
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>low serotonin may not be the cause of depression but Increasing serotonin reduces depressive symptoms. Plus some SSRIs like luvox activate sigma-1 receptors which has anti-amnesic and antidepressant effects.
Treating the symptoms rather than curing the illness. Typical of government big pharma.

>> No.14732568 [View]
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>So similar to Vitamin D. I wonder why only vaccines were made mandatory?
Money in vaccines. Vitamin D is cheap and no doctor visit required.

>> No.14672001 [View]
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>they showed greater risk in the vaccinated group
All too often in western medicine, the "cure" is worse than the illness it is supposed to treat.

It is done this way on purpose. Not much money in curing people and making them healthy.

>> No.14610011 [View]
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Doctors are mostly nitwits and drones who pimp for big pharma. They don't really know much about health, and want you sick so they make more money off you.

>> No.14607644 [View]
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Follow The Money

Scientists all work for corporations and government (largest corporation in the country) and must make them profit.

>> No.14581984 [View]
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That's pretty fucking cool!

>I dont think they want to kill people, I think it's just a desire for profit
Correct. see attached image.

>It's because of higher levels of cardiac stress due to climate change.

>But the delayed onset could be from Covid infections
KEK! Good one!

>> No.14553666 [View]
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>It's almost like they're intentionally trying to make people more susceptible to illness so they can sell them the antidote.

>> No.14553513 [View]
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>Drug that kills almost all viruses

Where's the money in that? Viruses/colds, etc. make medical industry, pharma industry, insurance industry, and government billions of dollars each year.

The money is in TREATING NOT CURING.

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