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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6902377 [View]
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That's a undergrad astronomy homework question.

1) Calculate/find out "how much light/area" you need to "see something".

2) Calculate how much "light/area" the sun gives at a radius of the solar system+1 light year. (Hint :you use the inverse square law for light, substitute in the total distance, and some inherit parameter of the sun).

3) Compare the numbers from 1) and 2)

Good luck

>> No.4502967 [View]
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It is pretty much the opposite of a black hole. The ultimate fucking emitter. It is impossible to travel into a white-holes event horizion. It is always spewing shit out into normal space.

It appears in the exact same theory that gives the blackhole, although we never observed just a "white-hole".

We do now have evidence of black-holes, that also spew shit out though. Happens all the fucking time. It is now thought that the black-hole and white-hole can exist as the same object. What we "see" is the black hole, that "makes" particles on the event horizion.

So we see "mixtures" of black-holes and white-holes. According to Steven Hawking, all black-holes are actually white-holes as well, it is just a matter of perpective.

>> No.4306594 [View]
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The Lagrangian for the triple pendulum is very easy figure out from that of the double pendulum. You just add the extra coordinate _3, to every term. The center of mass term will have to be modified as well.

Maybe you should start off with the double pendlum, since they already give you the lagragin, and derive the equations of motion for it. This will give you a feel for the power of the lagragin formalism has over the shitty newton method (rarely used by actual physicists).

>> No.4218968 [View]
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Easy, Tax the rich. Go back to the normal tax code (no more of this werid bush tax cut shit).

That is the simpliest way. Anyother questions?

>> No.4174173 [View]
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Higgs field = responsible for what we see as "mass" of all particles

Higgs Mechanism = The process by which the Higgs field gives "mass" to the other particles

Higgs Boson = A side effect from the Higgs field and Higgs mechanism. If the Higgs field does indeed exist we should see this "Higgs Boson" around. This particle has alot of well known properties (if it exists).

If we discover the Higgs boson, it affirms (to some point) that the Higgs field exists, and explain why particles have mass.

Understanding of the Higgs Boson and the Higgs field, will hopefully led to our ability to manupulate the Higgs Field. This basically gives us that ability to control mass, and therefore the ability to control certain aspects of gravity.

Just like we manipulate the EM field today (this gives us pretty much all our tech) we hope one day to make tech based on "mass" manipulation as well.

>> No.3980333 [View]
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so I need some advice from some engineering grads

right now I'm in the midst of calc 2 and phys w/calc at community college and I'm not doing too well, I'm wondering if I should work my ass to the bone and try to make off with a low B or high C in either or just bomb and coast and then retake the classes and see about getting better grades, right now my gpa is at 2.6 and I'm worried I won't make it into any decent engineering program

>> No.3717824 [View]
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engineerfag here

if I'm an undergrad, how do I get involved in something that will lead to an internship or help with my graduate major?

>> No.3420393 [View]
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It seems like the easiest job in the world. You wake up, talk to a webcam for a couple hours, and go on about your day. You never have to leave the house. As long as your audible and you're wearing a shirt (pants not necessary) you're good to go. Is there a catch? Anything that can get you fired?

>> No.3272431 [View]
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There is a big difference between "justified faith" and "blind faith". Justified faith actually stems from logic, reasoning, science, and history. Blind faith is bullshit.

You have "justified faith", that your ice maker will make ice (for the most part). This is based on logic, and reason.

You have "blind faith", that a magic man in the sky will solve all your problems. That is fucking retarded, and does not stem from any sort of logic, reason, science, or history.

>> No.2857465 [View]
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Yeah, it says I care about myself and my fellow man.

It says I don't want dumbfucks living in my community speading false informatios, and making shitty decisions that could possibly effect me!

>> No.2569413 [View]
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We should not play God. Playing is for children.

>> No.2532338 [View]
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1) Give me all the money you have

2) Be a prositiute

3) Give me the money you make being a ho

4) Kill yourself


>> No.2236009 [View]
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>> No.2039134 [View]
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Sup, /sci/?
I'm supposed to work out and conduct an experiment by my own. Or at least I can say I have the liberty to do so. Anyways, the experiment mainly involves simple Newtonian mechanics (springs, air-cushion gliders, tiltable planes,etc.) as well as a couple of assets for acoustic experiments (emitter, detector, half-closed pipes).

Sadly I currently ran absolutely out of ideas and I could need some inspiration. So what would /sci/ do?

(title unrelated)

>> No.1900920 [View]
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>> No.1879797 [View]
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The probem is that you will not get the kind of answer you want to hear.

Yes, you can explain measuement perefectly using QM. But, you need to know a decent amount of QM first.

So you can either GTFO and learn more QM, or phase your question differently.

Also, >>1879782
Josef answer (although condensed) is perfect valid

>> No.1857692 [View]
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I am in a shitty uni and want to transfer to another

My record was fucking gold except for one thing, SAT

That was mainly due to the fact that of my auto-immune illness hurting me, getting psyched out from the test, and times where I was rusty here and there with problems (math and eng)

It was a very shitty SAT so I won't say it. My question is, can everyone give me every possible tip in their arsenal to help me get a 1500+ score (all sections combined)?

Please /sci/?

>> No.1853591 [View]
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I'll ask anyway

Now before I ramble, I'm only speaking for NY as this is the main issue. I don't know nor care (at least for now) about other states

The question is: Why the bloody fuck does NY have the most shittiest Professors in the sciences across colleges?

Are they all just miserable and like to take out their shit on us or is it the fact that they realize they weren't happy with their life decisions in the first place?

It's rare as pretty much every college here has very few handful of good profs in comparison with their respective faculty number

It's not the matter of self-studying, moreso the fact of general shitty profs

Fucking hell, other majors outside science such as those in business, english, etc etc have more better well rounded profs, if not decent ones

I know this sounds a little silly but the matter of the fact that I'm being bogged and pulled down by shitty professors and others who simply don't care about their own god damn field/or rather hate it in a apparent fashion from carrying out my dream and highest interest is getting to me

I mean seriously, what the hell. Ivy league (Columbia) or catholic or private or public; it doesn't matter. We are plagued by shitty profs. I know this is wide spread and all but my only question is why does NY have the most shittiest science profs?

>> No.1624964 [View]
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There's something bothering me /sci/. I'm at school for Computer science, and I was wondering about all the professors who have PhD's in a science or math discipline. Why don't they go out into the world and make a fucking fortune? What I mean is, why are my teachers wasting their time teaching my dumb ass old programming languages when they could make fucktons of money at IBM and Microsoft? Why would a chemistry professor teach Chem 101 to 18 year old dumbshits when he could go work for a pharmaceutical company and make twice as much? Why don't the engineering and science professors do the same? Surely there's more money in the private sector than academia. Does anybody pursue a science PhD with the intention of becoming a professor? No, you get the highest degree so you can engage in ground breaking research and world shaking discoveries. If a degree is so important, why do those with the highest degrees waste away in teaching positions. I understand there are some large universities where a lot of research takes place, but some universities do almost no research and are purely educational. It seems like such a waste of all that time spent earning the education only to end up a professor.

>> No.1479330 [View]
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Out of all the current scientific laws established, which one would cause a massive shitstorm if it was proven wrong by some bizarre discovery/phenomenon.

I'd say the Law of Conservation of Energy beacuse it would fuck up a lot of other laws/theories in thermodynamics

>> No.1263130 [View]
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Yeah, I heard they were "phasing it out". Any idea why?

>> No.1241994 [View]
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Yeah, that comes from a kinda math called "type theory".

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