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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3665344 [View]
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>> No.3067834 [View]
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I found an atom on the ground on my way to the bus stop.

>> No.2572902 [View]
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>mfw he actually beliefs this photo is real

>> No.2515748 [View]
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>30 minutes ago
>decide to make an attempt at socializing
>go out, find some people playing volleyball on the street
>they invite me to play, so I join in (they were my neighbors)
>daydream completely ignoring the game and never catching the ball
>get screamed at many times by the team members
>in the end of the game, everyone screaming at me
>wait for the shit storm to stop
>some guy is still here commenting on how I didn't participate
>tell him that I'm too intelligent to play such a stupid game, and that I passed my time doing something more beneficial like daydreaming and thinking during the round
>he rages, and kicks me with his legs, insulting me in countless ways
>I kick him back and go home

>> No.2432005 [View]
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Hey /sci/, I think this is the right board to ask my question on, as it's related with psychology, which is considered a science. (inb4 hurr durr psychology is not a science)

I've noticed some strange patterns in my behavior, and I think they're abnormal due to the reactions of other people on it:
I like to say incredibly stupid and insane stuff like 'My mother took a shit down my throat', 'I stole a concentration camp from the store', or just saying a strange combination of sounds like 'adjkadjalkdjakldjk' and then laughing out of loud at it alone. I also often keep laughing at things which aren't considered funny by most of the other people, like when someone stares you. I also often can't stop laughing even at some retarded joke, and my laugh gets fueled by the fact that I'm laughing, so I often keep laughing for about 20 - 30 mins straight. I also like to intentionally make retarded whole body movements and make retarded noises and then laugh at it.

I also often have urges of jumping around, screaming and making while body movements even without this urge being caused by the will to laugh.

What could this be, /sci/? Picture related, by the way - this describes me quite well (not the physical appearance, though).

>> No.2275845 [View]
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'There are going to be real problems,' said organiser Dr Scott Gelfand, of Oklahoma State University. 'Some feminists even say artificial wombs mean men could eliminate women from the planet and still perpetuate our species. That's a bit alarmist. Nevertheless, this subject clearly raises strong feelings.'

>> No.2236059 [View]
File: 19 KB, 337x276, nedry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I just look at the stars and laugh. I don't know why, its beyond my comprehension how big it truly is.

I can honestly say that I love living in this universe.

>> No.2183785 [View]
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>> No.2122155 [View]
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How are these equations called:

3x+y = 5
x+2y = 0

They're always given together.

Also, how to solve them?

>> No.2076324 [View]
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I sometimes have an urge to act retarded: running around, making noises, flapping hands, jumping etc in the same time. I sometimes do that while with my friends, but then intentionally pissing them off enters the list.

Could this be some kind of a mental disorder or is it normal to get urges like that from time to time?

>> No.1993266 [View]
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>mfw your post

>> No.1686363 [View]
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"Isn't absolute zero like when it can't get any colder?"

"At all?"

"At all."


"I know."

"So like, even if it got colder..."

"It could get infinitely colder, but it wouldn't be anymore cold."


"I know."

"Me too."

>> No.1512059 [View]
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>Implying that free will for humans exists anymore than it does for algorithms.

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