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>> No.8772940 [View]
File: 48 KB, 383x750, duwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alluvial action

>> No.8750605 [View]
File: 48 KB, 383x750, duwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wasn't entirely wrong, just technically wrong. His grammar was acceptable in most circles.
And I wouldn't have cared except he was """"correcting"""" someone else's grammar. If you're gonna call out picayune errors, they better actually be errors or you're just looking like a moron.
>You should try that sometime, apologizing.
niBBa I'll apologize when I'm actually wrong about something, not when I hurt some anon's feelings on a Jivaroan head-shrinking imageboard.

>hurr if something can be done about it why isn't anything being done about it?
because deniers have enough political clout to stop shit from getting done, like >>8749686 said.
there have been some advances made recently (Paris etc) but they haven't had time yet to really take effect

>William Happer
literally offered to write a pro-CO2 piece in exchange for money, fake a peer-review process, and conceal the source of the funding.
actual corporate whore

>conflating technical feasibility with political feasibility

>hey, let's claim that climate scientists said a bunch of different shit that they never actually said
>therefore the story keeps changing!
you can """"prove"""" ANYTHING if you're willing to just make shit up!

holy shit, absolutely BTFO
is there anything more gullible than a climate change denier?

>> No.8604392 [View]
File: 48 KB, 383x750, duwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey, this fossilized fly and lizard look kinda like their modern homologs
>they haven't changed at all, therefore evolution didn't happen to them
>they've been the same since the world was created back in 4004 B.C.
>>except it takes about three MILLION years for copal to turn into amber

it's really just a joke on new earth creationists, but practically all vocal creationists come back to that eventually.

>hey guise what if
>what if we say that WE have evidence to support our claims
>and THEY don't!
>maybe it'll make people pay attention to us?

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