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>> No.15583053 [View]
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<spastic meltdown and verbal assault>

>> No.15538668 [View]
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>Our entire world is a lie
>mfw I told you retards this many moons ago

>> No.15536874 [View]
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>bizarre strawman that in no way reflects reality
there ya go, put that psychosis on display for everyone to see.

>> No.15534061 [View]
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>> No.15293031 [View]
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>narrating a fictional reality
>I-I am not a schizo I swear! Y-You are!

>> No.15289859 [View]
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Oh and one last thing, you can never prove me wrong.

>> No.15286228 [View]
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>> No.15285933 [View]
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>> No.14707843 [View]
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>pseud midwit out of his lane in a conversation well above his IQ level to participate in says something stupid
how novel

>> No.14690125 [View]
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>> No.14638505 [View]
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>no u
I will take that as your capitulation, thanks for playing

>> No.12595342 [View]
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>> No.12551530 [View]
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They slandered, attacked and murdered white people and are now going after the Asians as well and even gone so far as to blatantly steal an election right in front of the entire world.

Why should you care? Well do you care about science? I would assume yes since you are here. Well what do think happens to science when kool aid haired retard propagandists who dont give a flying fuck about truth are in charge of you in a work environment?

Don't worry that question is irrelevant because you will never get a job anyway if you are a white man and won't have to worry about that.

Do you value freedom? Do you want to live in a pod eating bugs and letting the government inject you with whatever shit they feel like to sterilize you and give you medical problems? Do you want to be liquidated in a work camp?

You may roll your eyes and think this hyperbolic fear mongering because, you, as I already said, are historically illiterate, but let me tell you something. This is where it always goes and once it gets over the hump it will race down hill so fast you won't even be able to see it just like a roller coaster. Know what? We are teetering on that hump right this very second with people pushing it forward and people trying to push it back and if you don't jump in line and start pushing back then you will deserve everything you that comes after it and you will regret not doing something while you should have I assure you because you cannot fathom the horrors that come next if it makes it over that hump.

>> No.12306595 [View]
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I did the work you were too stupid and/or too lazy to do and gifted to you because your ignorance and stupidity puts me and mine in danger. If you aint with me you are against me and I will really hate to have to split your dome like a canoe during the boogaloo but I will do it and sleep like a baby if I have to

>> No.12291170 [View]
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I know you are having fun writing your fan fics but mommy has your tendies ready and it is time for nite nite little buddy. The adults want to have adult time now but you can come back tomorrow during the day mmmkay little man? Tell mommy I will call give her a call once you get to in bed if you know what I mean

>> No.12279671 [View]
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>I was just pretending to be retarded to troll you
cope is what your post is you massively retarded faggot. Do you not even what a cope is? Jesus fuck you are stupid kid. tell mommy to make you more tendies and take a nap

>> No.12253666 [View]
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>mfw we left our clamps for the light of the divine source

>> No.12252172 [View]
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>seething hebe

>> No.12227903 [View]
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>everything in the world is against us. We survived every obstacle nature threw in our way because God has a plan for us and here we are because in the end all that matters is folk and blood

>> No.12213049 [View]
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perfect ending to our conversation. Have a good one mate

>> No.12194163 [View]
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>hahaha I don't have an argument against inconvenient facts that rek my narrative so I will act dismissive and say something stupid and hope no one notices I just got pwned and I will just pretend like this never happened so I can do it all over again next time I get rekt and pwned

>> No.12173802 [View]
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>mfw told you fucking retards it was a psyop from jump
>mfw you morons called me /pol/ and schizo
>mfw I always have the last laugh

>> No.12135956 [View]
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>being this kosher

>> No.12124844 [View]
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>nothing is random in the sim

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