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>> No.4284268 [View]
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It's not that World Conflict is caused by the male sex drive. It's caused by what contains the male sex drive, and we don't separate these two things like we should. World conflict is the result of 1 primary object, and it's that which make us human in the first place; The human mind.

The human mind is capable of both identifying itself as an individual and as part of a group. People inherently recognize how others are different from themselves, then recognizing how other groups are different from its own.

In that case, what causes a person to say "I am a part of this, but I'm not a part of that"? Sometimes, I'll identify myself as an American. Sometimes I'll identify myself as a Missourian. And right now, I'm simply an individual named "Anonymous". If all of these are true, then why do I need to distinguish myself in the first place?

From everything I've seen in history, it's the combination of both fear and hope, and they are both used to describe a creature which we do not understand. Good and Evil, Yin and Yang, North and South. While there are distinctions between each of these terms, they are opposite and equal forces necessary to create momentum. Having one without the other is like trying to cut off half of a magnet; you only end up with a magnet that's half as strong.

Perpetual global conflict (in whatever form you want) has never been just a force that tears us apart. Global conflict is what perpetuates the dream of Global unity. Our hopes will always be as great as our fears.

And blaming roughly half of the population of the world for causing "global conflict" is pretty goddamn retarded. (Misogynists suck too, by the way. Male/Female interaction has been key to the success of mankind from the moment it arose in the gene pool. Every single one of your ancestors managed to cope with it, so stop fucking whining about it.)

>> No.4091817 [View]
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The only reason atheists respond to religion threads is because despite the fact that all of our lives end in a matter of decades, they cannot be satisfied in letting others spend their years however makes them happy.

They are convinced that their happiness only comes with absolute truth. They are also convinced that the concepts of "god" and "knowledge" are contradictory.

They also do not recognize that the foundation of philosophy using logic is contradictory idea in itself, as logic ultimately falls on "intuitive fact" for justification, when "intuitive fact" has proven to not be reliable multiple times in the past. Their search for the "truth" is ultimately both fruitless and hollow, as all knowledge they claim to have is still, at its core, an assumption. Ironically, these are almost word for word the same complaints I have against religion.

To clarify, I do not think atheism is wrong. I do, however, find the question "does god exist" to be completely moot, as bog "god" and "logic" ultimately share the same fate: They cannot be proven or disproven. They can only be assumed. Logic need not be rejected, nor the idea of god be rejected. They simply need to be recognized as assumptions.

Sage, because I'm not all that fond of you, OP. You come across as a massive asshole and a total shitdisturber.

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