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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3224970 [View]
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Can I ask the atheists of /sci/ a couple, simple questions? Like... Why the fuck are you guys atheists to begin with? What's the fucking point? You're about as bad as the religious zealots you so aim against.

>> No.2795818 [View]
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So I am a male, early twenties, and going to college for fun mostly. Heterosexual men and gay women generally don't like being around me and find me apparently creepy. Gay men and heterosexual women, however, actually find and enjoy being around me and often invite me to do stuff with them.

What does this and science say about me? Because I'm quite confused here. /=

>> No.2467939 [View]
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/sci/ should be annexed to Stormfront, what do you think?

>> No.2357378 [View]
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As far as we know, at this moment it`s impossible to send back information from the future to the present.

But what if some authority manages to send back the answer of any yes/no question to themselves.

Using a modification of the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment.

Please don`t reject this idea immediately as being ridiculous.

Knowledge about qm is too little to conclude it is certainly impossible.

The first authority that comes up with such a device would obtain absolute power.

Just think of it`s applications;

>it could track down any person anywhere on earth
- if we would search in the west of pakistan would we find bin laden?
- if we would search in sector this and this of west of pakistan would we find bin laden?
>track down any other project to develop this kind of device and make it fail even before the project was started.
"if we seach every room in russia would we find such a device?" yes/no etc..
>manipulate events so they would look "coincidental" but really aren`t.
If we would broadcast a signal with pattern a to b in frequency range x to y would this or that person die in an accident ? (think of butterfly effect)

So it`s really something to worry about and we`ll better make sure knowledge about this subject is in safe hands that operate as independent as possible.
anyway thanks for listening

>> No.2280367 [View]
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How do you relate your inner self to the world around you ? ?

Are they unified by a deterministic view on reality, or do you believe no clear connection can be expressed in words ? ? ?


>> No.2270629 [View]
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How do you relate your inner self to the world around you ? ?

Are they unified by a deterministic view on reality, or do you believe no clear connection can be expressed in words ? ? ?

>> No.2252978 [View]
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>seeks only to describe at which possible levels humans may or may not interact with other things.
equals pursuit of identity with conscious awareness of an ultimate reality equals mysticism equals proper philosophy

at least if you`re doing it right and according to logic.

>> No.2252971 [DELETED]  [View]
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>seeks only to describe at which possible levels humans may or may not interact with other things.
equals conscious awareness of an ultimate reality equals mysticism

>> No.2249107 [View]
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I`m not denying that.

These definitions you gave do not give an enclosed answer to any mystery of life at all.

What are atoms? --> what are particles? --> how does qm work? does a soul exist?

One thing you know for sure there will always be a next, deeper question to any explanation about the universe.

anyway you should know this but you`re probebly too arrogant to wonder about things you don`t know for sure.

>> No.2242744 [View]
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i`m using that wallpaper for 3 month`s now.

It`s awsome.

>> No.1698762 [View]
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No, but it has recently been determined is that the universe is not created by god.
This thread is now about the implications of this new discovery.

>> No.1678423 [View]
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those statistics aren`t even the wost thing about being virgin for so long. and you know it.

>> No.1655882 [View]
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why do you ask this to the most close minded board on 4chan ?

>> No.1646662 [View]
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You atheists are all sick in the head and are acting in contradictions, every single one of you...

Why lowered youself to an 11 dimensional zombie with a sub-morality ? ?

If, to your best knowing, survival is part of the most likely defenition of yourself as a human being (if you don`t agree you are basically denying you are a human and are lowering youself to a 11 dimensional gohst). Then why not belief (or at least hope for) eternal life and an all knowing deity that can help you... After all there's no harm in trying. And from being atheist you sure get nothing.

See you atheists are acting against you own logic.

>> No.1646653 [DELETED]  [View]
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You atheists are all sick in the head and are acting in contradictions, every single one of you...

Why lowered youself to an 11 dimensional zombie with a sub-morality ? ?

If, to your knowing, survival is part of the most likely defenition of yourself as a human being (if you don`t agree you are basically denying you are a human and are lowering youself to a 11 dimensional gohst). Then why not belief (or at least hope for) eternal life and an knowing deity that can help you... After all there's no harm in trying. And from being atheist you sure get nothing.

See you atheists are acting against you own logic.

>> No.1640456 [View]
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Trying to act rational, as an irrational thinking being in an irrational world is doomed to fail.

>> No.1636463 [View]
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Trying to act rational, as an otherly irrational thinking being in an irrational world is doomed to fail.

>> No.1635782 [View]
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/sci/ is so full of psychopaths these day`s. It`s almost sad to see you guys struggle with accepting reality as it is.

The next schoolshoter will be from this board mark my words.

>> No.1627270 [View]
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This is the root of the idea of evolution. It actually was just a joke, but somehow people were to take it seriously at some point.

>> No.1582640 [View]
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where do all those face shots come from?

>> No.1565720 [View]
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Hey /sci/ here is a test for you.

Guns stad for killing innocents if religion stands for ...
a. bringing peace (1)
b. submission (3)
c. the flying spaghetty monster (0)

who/what is to blame for killing innocents?
a. guns (0)
b. religion (0)
c. people who kill innocents (3)

Who/what is to blame for holding back sceintific progression in the middle ages.
a. religion (0)
b. God (2)
c. people who were holding back sceintific progression. (3)

If you have less then 4 points you`re a complete retard. If you have the maximum of 9 you`re awsome.

>> No.1547317 [View]
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How many people must die in the name of science before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?

>> No.1516660 [View]
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People who brand themselves as agnostics are dogmatically claiming that ultimate truths cannot be known.

My question is how do they know?

>> No.1509707 [View]
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Studying science does not make you a better person.

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