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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5024920 [View]
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Interesting, but I would hope whoever invests in this understands what they are getting themselves in to.

From a technology aspect, this is quite doable. Nearly all of the tech needed to do this is available or can be prepared within a few years. I do, however, see two major problems with this:

1. Funding. Make no mistake, this is a multi-billion dollar investment with virtually no monetary return. Best I can see happening is that some of the technology modified or invented for this endeavour can be sold to other companies. Other than that, there is gratification of being the first to do something like this. The nameplate earned from this could very well be valuable.

2. The fate of the volunteers: Extended trips away from Earth have been done in the past, but nothing even close to this long or this isolated. We can get an idea of how we should be handling the short term portions of the trip, but the long-term is completely untested. Pioneers? If only they had it so easy. Pioneers had it rough, but they generally had some means of survival if shit hit the fan. If by some miracle you are able to get humans alive and on the surface of Mars, if something goes wrong in this situation, if a critical piece of equipment fails after a few years, everyone is fucked unless it can be fixed or if they're lucky, that Earth is close enough to Mars at the time that help has a chance of getting there on time.


>> No.3966494 [View]
File: 63 KB, 237x344, want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rule 34?

>> No.3525153 [View]
File: 63 KB, 237x344, 1252855644805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only need Algebra II.

>> No.3389438 [View]
File: 63 KB, 237x344, sort-of-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satellites with nukes

>> No.3291300 [View]
File: 63 KB, 237x344, 1280538103029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It completely disregards any solid scientific work, but the list is excellent for the other stuff, i.e. language, religion, history, politics, economics, and philosophy.

I'd say it's about half complete. Then I'd go as far as to suggest that /sci/ compile a list of essential scientific literature.

>> No.3143725 [View]
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>mfw Dawkins looks good in that pic
>mfw I'm a straight male

>> No.3071377 [View]
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>> No.3059067 [View]
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>Human beings fail to realize that morality is not needed for those in power. Only the weak masses need morality, because they are not in complete control of their own destinies, and thus can be punished for any of their unsavory actions. So, when it comes to the matter of dispensing the truth, the ruling elite elect not to tell the masses the real truth about reality because they have absolutely no reason, motivation, or obligation to do so.

>> No.2487725 [View]
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>science channel
>mfw survivorman marathon

>> No.2465273 [View]
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>Pale Blue Siege

Sounds like a trashy science fiction novel.


>> No.2324874 [View]
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>in Media Studies class (don't judge me the teacher is rad as hell)
>discussion between mildly religious Christians and what seem to be agnostics/transhumanists starts up
>the agnostics say something to the effect of "if I can't see it with my own two eyes, it isn't real"
>they get these smug looks on their faces
>the Christians jump down these guys throats and start trolling them hardcore about the EM spectrum and subatomic particles
>mfw before I went back to finishing my German homework

>> No.2292899 [View]
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>> No.2246347 [View]
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>mfw 3.41 GPA
It's not a terrible GPA for my first semester as a freshman in college, but it could've been a lot better had I really studied in math and turned in two missing assignments for my writing class that I didn't know about until the day before grades were due.

What grades did you guys receive for this past term?

>> No.2232005 [View]
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>The transmission of culture is the peoples responsibility

>> No.2162770 [View]
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>it's cool

>> No.1747754 [View]
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>> No.1713749 [View]
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>selling a pill that "treats" a communicable disease and therefore allows the patient to transmit the disease for longer

pic related. i choose a stock every month and buy 500 bucks worth and I just found this months pick.

>> No.999447 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 63 KB, 237x344, 1273640956118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm yes kill the juggaloo's

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