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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15548392 [View]
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Has getting a PhD cured your depression / made you feel accomplished?

>> No.12311382 [View]
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has anyone ever lost motor function/extreme pain/discomfort due to psychedelics? I had a really terrifying experience last night and it was like nothing I have ever read about

I am >>12309097 >>12309536 , months ago on 400ug of lsd and some coke I got weakness/numbness/cramp in my arms and legs, pain flowing up and down through my body, couldn't stand, slurred speech, called 911 and went to the hospital. this happened at the very end of my trip, the rest of the trip I was walking around my apartment all day having fun. I felt extreme fear and paranoia, but at the time I thought this was justified (I thought I must be having a heart attack or stroke or something)

last night I took 1g worth of liquid psilocybin, a baby amount that I knew wouldn't even really give me visuals. I got what I expected, mild aesthetic changes and was walking around feeling amazing, this is something I could reintroduce into my life and be safe, I was ok. suddenly at t=2 though, in a moment I snapped and began hallucinating internally incredibly hard, imagining strange things and getting completely stuck on them. this was accompanied by intense fear and the same horrible loss of control and pain through my whole body. I took a xanax and forced myself to go on a walk for 40 minutes. I was in an absolute state of pain and terror, and I still wasn't "tripping", I wasn't even getting warped visuals or anything.

I finally returned home and took a second xanax. at this point my arms and legs were shaking uncontrollably, and the fear was unbearable. I laid down and about 20 minutes later the xanax kicked it and suddenly, in a period of maybe a minute, it was completely over. the fear was like a tight wire connecting my temples that loosened, and my body suddenly felt completely fine.

I truly don't understand what happened to me. I mixed no other drugs/alcohol whatsoever, and have been clean for months. 1g of psilocybin should be nothing, and it was not a "trip", the pain was absolutely real

>> No.12110997 [View]
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They did it in 1962 in Cuba and they'll do it again, unless we make them stop.

>> No.10081715 [View]
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>can't even code video games without constant bugs
>can code consciousness

>> No.9623426 [View]
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Globecucks have the reasoning skills of children. Seriously, your naivety is mind blowing. But then I'd expect nothing less from people who believe the fucking mind-numbingly infantile theatre known as "space". For the love of God grow the fuck up you pathetic manchildren.

Gravity is just another way of describing the speed of an object falling, there's no external fucking magical force pulling things towards a center. This is a completely unnecessary and unscientific complication when density and buoyancy perfectly explain why things go down (and up like helium). It's the object itself, and the medium with which it is in that explains things, nothing more is required, so can gravity fuck off to the graveyard now? It's dumb and boring.

>His bigger problem would be that there is, of course, a Huge Government Conspiracy (tm) to hide the fact that the Earth is really flat, for reasons never adequately explained. In which case, he will be shot down if he ever starts getting high enough to see the truth.

You're just not smart enough to comprehend why they'd lie about it. You're that gullible type who still thinks the government actually gives a shit about you and believes everything you see and hear on TV, especially if its coming from so called "science". Who funds the majority of science? The government. If you can't see the conflict of interest there, then there's no hope for you and you can just keep living in your sci-fi fantasy land deliberately constructed for you by government education and media.

>> No.9590577 [View]
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