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>> No.15749082 [View]
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Yeah, the whole hypersonic fearmongering in global and burger media has been laughable.

But nothing makes me cringe harder than how much my local media enjoys fearmongering about russian ICBMs and absolutely LOVES the misnomer Satan 2 for RS-28. R-36M's NATO callsign was Satan so it's replacement's gotta be Satan 2 right hur dur
Holy fucking shit it's the worst part of their nuclear triad. Imagine a liquid-fueled silo-launched ICBM with literal russian-tier corruption and lack of maintenance. Even the brand spanking new RS-28 has never been tested successfully but was placed in active arsenal regardless. None of those shits would launch successfully even if things came to a nuclear war.
But MSM just loves the old NATO callsign so much they have to hype it up like some glorious doomsday weapon. It's all so tiresome.

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